My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3271: Group show love (10)

"No... I'm fine." Nie Ling whispered his wet hand.

"Sister, it is normal for him to have a girlfriend. You really don't want this. I am worried about you."

Xixi discovered that her sister had recently lost her mind, especially when she saw the news about Su Yu.

My sister is a very timid person, and everything is in my heart.

Su Yu didn't even know her sister's sincerity, only when she was like all the female artists in the company, she wanted to fly to the phoenix.

But Sicily knows that my sister is not.

My sister even said that I really hope that Su Yu is an ordinary employee, so that the two of them do not have so many obstacles to identity.

However, Xixi also asked her sister if Su Yu was not a Su family, not the president of the Star Emperor.

Will my sister still like him?

Nie Lingqi's answer is, yes, because she only likes him, just because he is Su Yu.

Even after the Su family went bankrupt, Su Yu was on the streets and she was willing to be with him.

It is a pity that Su Yu did not know that her sister’s affection.

"Su Shuai..." Dou Ding saw Su Yu and flew directly to the past.

Hold tightly on Su Yu’s thigh...

Su Yu’s squatting down, picking up the diced beans.

"It’s very early to come."

"That is, I am engaged, I have to give face." Doudou said.

“How is school life these days?”

"Don't mention, the children are really not in a realm with me and my sister, there is a generation gap, they are still small." Douding is an answer.

I am so funny that I am so happy.

"Hey? Su Shuai, this is your newly hired nanny?" Douding glanced at Zengrou around him, deliberately asked.

When Douding said this, the two big eyes stayed cute, as if they were not intentional.

But Zeng Ruo knows that this little guy is full of hostility towards himself.

"What babysitter?" Su Yu did not respond.

"Uncle Xiao An said, your family has lived in a woman, cooking for you all day, cleaning up the house, and washing clothes for Su Shuai... I guess, this is definitely a nanny... these are not all What about the babysitter?"

Su Yu looked at Zeng Rou with a sly look...

The character of the twins has always been strange, and he can't control the scene.

"Hello, Bean Ding, I am the new nanny of Su Yujia, Xiaorou." Zeng Jiao said with a deliberate head.

"How do you know that I am a diced bean?"

"Because it is said that the peas are passionate and unrestrained, the pudding calms down and looks at the way you are rushing. You know that you are a diced bean." Zeng Rou guessed.

"Hey, be smart, know so much about our sisters, this is to check us, what is the heart?" Doudou licked Zeng Rou.

"Well, I really have... I want to change from a primary nanny to a senior nanny, so I need your sisters to talk a lot with our general."

"Cut, think beautiful. In a few days, I will let Su Shuai expel you, and take your salary and get out."

"Don't, my whole family is still counting on this salary. You can't be so worried about Douding." Zeng Rou continued to talk to Douding.

Xiao An smiled behind him. It seems that Zeng Rou’s attitude towards doudou is also very shocking.

Just as Douding continued to refute, Huo Mian released his mother's hand and walked away from afar.

"Hey, your mommy is coming." Su Yu whispered to remind Doudou.

Douding did not dare to speak at once, and then nestled in the neck of Su Yu.

"Su Shuai, I want to eat macarons, and all must be pink."

"You are coming." Huo Mian looked at Su Yu and looked at Zeng Rou again.

The two nodded.

"Come on, everyone is waiting for you inside." Huo Mian warmly greeted.

"Mummy, look at it, this is the new babysitter of Su Shuai. Oh, is it quite earthy, what ages, and wearing Armani glasses, how do you say it, oh, yes, I think netizens say that they are poorly dressed in gold, rich in skin, and hooligans like Armani."

After the words of Bean Ding, Huo Mian is quite embarrassed.

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