My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3273: Simple and rude is land smoke (2)

"Su...Su total, I am fine, thank you for your concern, I will soon go back to work."

In front of Su Yu, Nie Lingqi’s performance is always unassuming.

This is similar to Naruto in the Naruto.

"Don't worry, you raise your wounds and say."

"Thank you, Mr. Su, then we will... don't bother you."

After that, Nie Lingqi took the sister and left.

"Sister, what are you doing, go so fast, say a few more words..." Cassie is somewhat dissatisfied with her sister's practice.

"I didn't see Su and his girlfriend together, we don't bother," she said sadly.

On the other side, Zeng Rou first looked awkward, then took a look at Su Yu.

"Does this girl like you too?"

Su Yu:...

"Come here, you tell me, how many girls like you, I will bring them together one day, one pot end." Zeng said jokingly.

Su Yu:...

"Hah, I am joking. Don't look at me so seriously. I am so used to it. Ok, now that I am at the scene, let's play with each other. Are you busy with your entertainment or something? I am going to find something to eat, no food in the morning. It’s really uncomfortable in my stomach."

After that, Zeng Jiao turned away and rushed directly to the dessert area.

Su Yu is also a fog.

Just when he was going to find Wei Liao Tang Chuan, Pudding suddenly did not know where to come from.

Pulled the Lasuu hand.

"Su Shuai."

"Hey, pudding, why didn't you see you?"

"I went to the bathroom."

"Haha, it turns out that I still wonder why you are not with doudding?" Su Yu picked up the pudding and placed it on a tall chair.

Then he sat next to her, and Su Yu had not yet taken a cup of orange juice.

"Su Shuai, is that woman the new one in your family?"


"What is it?" Pudding seemed to ask unintentionally.

Unlike doudding, the pudding is always the first to probe the enemy.

"The provincial capital, the amount... how do you say it is the official second generation?"

Because of the special status of Zeng Ruo’s father, Su Yu did not want to be too arrogant, and everyone said.

"Oh, no wonder... there is this strength forcibly entering your home." Pudding inserted the straw into the quilt, calmly saying.

"Gang Doudou has sprayed her up, ha, how, you don't want to be embarrassed about her?"

"What, you are distressed?"

"Jokes, how come, if you want to be a woman of Su Yu, this little wind and rain can not resist, it is too much food." Su Yu joking.

"Su Shuai, do you really want to be with her? The emotional thing is not a play." Pudding took his eyes back, a serious and Su Yu said.

"Pudding, I am doing this, maybe it is the best ending, isn't it, your mommy... maybe it will be easier to live." Su Yu's voice is very small.

Pudding saw that Su Yu did not really like Zeng Rou, nor was he very happy.

"Su Shuai, you are so good, there must be a woman worthy of you."

"I hope so."

"So the marriage is cautious, don't marry this woman easily, at least don't make important decisions until you understand her purpose close to you," Pudding said.

"That is certain. Living in my house does not mean that I am going to marry her. Besides, we still have nothing, you don't think about it."

Su Yu bounced the head of the pudding, and it was also a bit of a word.

Looking at the attitude of Su Yu, Pudding also guessed the situation of Zeng Rou, and then smiled.

Unlike her sister, she won't be embarrassed, but she doesn't like her.

At noon, there was a particularly fun scene.

Everyone is a pair, and even Gao Boyuan and Wei Yunchu are coming, sitting together with the twins. Su Yu, a millennium bachelor, also rarely took a female companion today.

And Tang Chuan suddenly became a special violation...

"Don, do you want to publish any comments before dinner?" Wei Liao deliberately asked him.

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