My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3282: Not confession, lifelong regret (1)

On the night of Zhixin’s engagement, everyone seems to be in a good mood after returning.

In the evening, they also collectively ran a small meeting in Tangchuan.

After returning to the Nanshan Castle, the pudding went straight to the grandfather.

"Grandpa, I am today extorting a set of tea sets from Uncle Tang..."

"Oh? Our pudding is so powerful?" Qin Chu dad touched the granddaughter's head lovingly.

"Yeah, Grandpa is going to have a birthday, so I got the gift in advance."

"You are such a small machine spirit..." Qin Chu dad smiled.

"Pudding, that's your uncle, you can't bully him." Grandma advised her granddaughter.

"Grandma rest assured, I won't be willing, I have already punched the money into his account."

"This child..." Qin Chu Ma simply did not know what to say, the twins have been precocious, and understand everything.

Especially the pudding, early participation in investment and stocks, these are allowed by Qin Chu and Huo Mian.

After a while with his grandparents, the pudding took the phone and went upstairs.

"Uncle Tang, the money has been beaten for you, check it out."

"Small nephew, I said, don't want money, what are you doing? Hit my face..."

"Don't you? How can I give my grandfather's birthday present, don't want to get it in vain, you just take it, I don't give much... you must be losing." Pudding laughed.

"If you lose money, who will make me a little lame?" Tang Chuan said proudly.

After sending WeChat, Tang Chuan still lamented in Su Yu’s car.

"The pudding is incredible, this child, so small, doing things is so measured, actually gave me the tea set money ...." Tang Chuan looked at the bank's SMS reminder received by his mobile phone.

Pudding did not give much, only to Tang Chuan hit 800,000, but gave money, prove that this is not Bai Na.

This kind of practice is what Tang Chuan appreciates. This is not a child who can understand the world.

"My pudding has always been so sensible, and there is nothing wrong with doing things." Su Yu is especially proud, just like that is his niece.

"So I told you before... You just don't look for a wife. After twenty years, the two girls grow up, you pick one." Tang Chuan laughed.

"Go to your uncle, and then say this, Lao Tzu yelled at you." Su Yu's stunned Tang Chuan.

As soon as I heard the word 唐, Tang Chuan subconsciously licked the crotch, as if Su Yu could do that.

"Haha, don't, I still hope that this will give us Ningning happiness..."

"Oh, don't swear, know that you have put Qin Ning to sleep, the whole world knows... Earth people know, Tang Ye..."

"Haha, this is enough for me to be happy for a year." Tang Chuan proud.

"Yes, I am not here with you, I am going home."

"Oh, it’s very early to go home recently. Is it going to sleep?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I am limited to eating with girls, and every time Xiao An is present."

"Nothing, once again, two times cooked, you two eat and eat, maybe one day, excited to eat on the bed." Tang Chuan smirk.

"You thought I was so wretched with you..."

"What is this wretchedness? This is the normal need of our men. You are not married to the unmarried woman. It does not involve any moral bottom line. So, this time, let go and eat, ha... you will eat the marrow. Knowing the taste..."

"It seems like I am a CHU man... I got it, you quickly go back to sleep."

After that, Su Yu opened the engine of the engine.

When Tang Chuan went down from Rambo and then passed by Xiao An, he smiled and glanced at Zeng Rou.

"Good performance..." Tang Chuan said to Zeng Rou.

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