My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3294: Big Devil Lu Yan (3)

"No, no, no, between me and Su Yu... In fact, it is only cooperation." Zeng Ruo confession.

"I know." Nie Ling said calmly.

"Do you know?" It is a surprise to change to Zeng Rou now.

"Well, I also inquired a little before I came here, that is, I know that you have such a relationship, so I only ventured to express my confession..."

"Well, you won, it seems that you are very prepared."

"Is this all the time anyway, no matter what, I can't come back like this again..."

After the confession, Nie Lingqi found that his heart was much more relaxed, and that heavy, something like a big stone had disappeared.

"You... very courageous, really, as a woman, I admire you like this, really not black you." Zeng Rou admire this woman a little.

As a female star, she still has to take this risk to play the confession of junior high school students playing high school.

I am afraid that not many women will do it in the entertainment circle... After all, everyone is thinking about their future.

"There is nothing. If I have pressed my heart for so long, I can finally say it... I am also satisfied."

"Then you thought about it, Su Yu accepts you, although it is good, it is all happy, if you have decided to reject you, will you be very embarrassed? Even when you meet again, you will feel very awkward." It is a very critical issue, and it is also a problem that Nie Lingqi has been entangled for a long time.

"Before I was afraid, it doesn't matter now...because I suddenly found out that it is scary compared to the lack of opportunity to speak out. I have a fan who gave me a private message yesterday, her hometown, a remote mountainous area. Suddenly, a mudslide broke out in the early hours of the morning, and the whole village disappeared in the night... Just like the Buddha has never appeared, there are more than two hundred villagers in the village, and there is no life, including the parents and brothers of my fans... She went to college in the field, did not live at home, escaped a catastrophe... But she lost all her relatives that night, she said, she does not know what it means to live now... This thing is for me. It’s just a matter of moments, maybe a few seconds, let some people stay forever, I’m afraid that if I don’t say anything, if there’s any accident in the filming, I’ll never have a chance. When I spoke, Su Yu could never know that there was such a woman who loved her deeply, didn’t she?"

Nie Lingqi’s words were very sad, and Zeng’s soft touch was quite big.

"You are right, there is nothing wrong with it. If you are alive, then you should be bold and do what you like to do. It is confession, and it will be rejected." Zeng said with a smile.

"Yes, in the face of life and death, these things are already indifferent, so I have already prepared myself before I come." Nie Lingyi smiled gracefully.

"So... I wish you good luck..." Zeng Roo reached out.

"Thank you, Miss Zeng."

Nie Lingyi was very grateful. At this time, Zeng Rou did not sneer at this woman, and she stinked that she would seduce Su Yu.

Otherwise, the mood will really be complicated...

After changing clothes, Nie Lingqi and Zeng Ru went downstairs.

"Cough... Inside, Xiaoan... Let's go out and see the stars." Zeng Ru felt that it would be a separate space for the two men to speak.

Xiao An used a kind of - your heart's eyes to look at Zeng Rou, then the two opened the door and went out.

Su Yuxi did not dare to go to see Nie Lingwei.

"The moon tonight... is quite round." Su Yu said nothing.

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