My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3308: Dr. Huo’s best sister (seven)

"That... seems to be... Xiao Yan." Pudding said in a low voice.

"I just think it looks really a little girl."

After that, without waiting for the pudding to speak, the peas flew directly to the past...

"Oh, dear little sister..."

The pudding was originally very calm, but when I saw the pudding, I couldn’t help but ran over.

In this way, the two children, all rushed into the arms of the land.

"Small, really you?" Douding is holding the smoke.

"Yes, how, happy?" Lu Yan smiled.

"Happy, I have to be happy, it’s a big surprise... I told you, Xiao Yan, I woke up in the morning and felt that my left eyelids had been jumping. I expected that there would be good things today."

"Well, our little bean yoghurt, it is like a god." Lu Yan attached to her.

"Small..." Pudding stood on the side and said hello.

"Oh, my little pudding, ... fast, let the little one kiss."

After that, Lu Yan took the pudding and took a decisive kiss on his cheek.

"Small, I want to." The peas are eager to be pets.

"Well, give you a bite." Lu Yan was on the ground, holding two big babies.

The scene is warm to the extreme...

Huo Mian looked at it all happily.

"Smoke, what do you want to eat at night? I just sent a WeChat to Qin Daren. He said that you will pick the place and pick you up."

"Well, my thoughts, Qin is so rich, I have to slap him black."

"Please, you have more money than Qin Chu, don't be so rude..." Huo Mian laughed.

"I have money for me. Isn't it for him now? I want to eat..."

After thinking about it for a long time, the words that Lu Yan said, let Hung Mian and the twins all stunned their chin.

"Sister, I want to eat Axin Ramen."

Huo Mian:......


Doudin: ...

"Oh, you are not kidding?" Douding did not believe it.

"No, it is true."

"But why do you want to eat ramen? Just two dollars a bowl, you know?" Douding did not give up.

"You don't understand this, you are ignoring me... I have traveled all over the world, I have eaten everything, went to the birds, went down to the beast... even in Africa, I even ate the crocodile meat. ...... So there is really no requirement for eating. The most expensive one among you is some raw seafood. When I was on the island, I often ate, tired of eating, what kind of sea cucumber abalone lobster and the like. I want to vomit when I see, I want to eat the most common, but only here."

"That's not to eat ramen noodles, we have delicious Sichuan flavor hot pot here... there are all kinds of barbecue, Inner Mongolian roast leg of lamb." When it comes to eating, Bean Ding can be professional, start 滔滔Introducing Xiao Yan to the endless.

"This is not anxious, we can eat slowly. I am only coming to the first day today, sleeping on the plane for so long, my appetite is not very good, I want to eat light."

"Amount... In this case, it is really suitable for eating ramen." Pudding nodded.

"The main thing I heard... A letter Ramen is not a place for someone and someone to be in love. I am particularly curious, hahaha..." Lu Yan’s gossip smiled.

Huo Mian:......

"Sister, you ask your husband, please don't please?"

"You must please, we have to eat a hundred bowls." Huo Miao Le.

"Mummy, a hundred bowls are only two hundred dollars. You want to use two hundred pieces to die." In that case, I am not a small one?" Douding said seriously.

Suddenly a few people burst into laughter...

Lu Yan took one of the RVs in one hand, and Huo Mian gave Qin Chu a WeChat, saying that he was meeting at Axin Ramen.

As soon as I got on the bus, Lu Yan asked the gossip. "Who is Bean Ding, Gao Boyuan?"

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