My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3311: Dr. Huo’s best sister (10)

When Huo Mian and Lu Yan got off the twins, they saw Qin Chu’s car parked at the door.

In such a small alley, it is not easy to see tens of millions of luxury cars, so many people are watching luxury cars.

There are even some people who are constantly taking pictures or taking selfies with the selfie stick.

What's more, an old lady with a seven-year-old boy is not too happy to take pictures around.

The old lady also took the child up and sat on the cover of the Qin Chu car.

Qin Chu opened a car today, is the Audi R8 limited edition commemorative models, silver-gray, low-key luxury.

There are only ten in the world, and it is said that there are strict requirements for the identity of the purchaser.

It is not enough for Qin Chu to be a leader among domestic entrepreneurs. The German headquarters also checked the GK headquarters in the United States.

The final approval was only qualified, and it is said that the price of this car is as high as 9.88 million.

Just buy the car to pay the water, are enough to buy a luxury Mercedes-Benz.

Originally, Qin Chu was planning to open to Huo Mian, because Huo Mian is very fond of Audi.

But now with a second child, Huo Mian can no longer drive a sports car like the R8.

Can only take the RV, so this car was replaced by Qin Chu.

"I rely on... the little child, sitting on the cover of the car engine on the ground... good work." Douding is quite dissatisfied.

"People just take a photo." Huo Mian smiled, but he felt nothing.

Huo Mian with her daughter just planned to enter the store, I saw the little boy stood up.

With his feet on the lid, he still jumps. This time, Huo Mian is not calm.

"Inside, auntie... Can you let the child come down first?" Huo Mian asked politely.

"It's not your car, what do you care about? Nosy." The old lady snorted and took a look at Huo Mian.

"This is the car of our family. This is my car." Pudding couldn't help it. He stood up and said loudly.

"It's your car, what's it, I took a photo..." The old lady is more confident.

"You can take pictures, but you don't have to climb up to be afraid. What is the meaning of your child's car on the lid of the car?" Douding couldn't hold back the fire.

"Children are naughty, play and play, and don't play, what?"

"Treaded badly, can you afford it?" Douding was angry.

"Forget it, Bean Ding, let them take pictures..." Huo Mian felt that it is not easy to be old and young, there is no need to make trouble with them, so I don't plan to continue to argue.

But then, a more speechless scene took place.

"Grandma, I have to pee."

"Go, Grandma holds you to sprinkle."

"No, I have to stand here and pee, the car is very nice." The little boy is not rude.

It is reasonable to say that this is a seven-year-old child, and it should be sensible, but it is so rude.

The old lady not only does not blame, but also condone.

"Well, that grandma is pointing you, you stand on the side and pee on the ground."

"No, I will urinate in the car." The child continues to be willful.

"That line, you pee, come, Grandma helps the baby take off his pants."

"Hey, old lady... are you going to heaven?" Lu Yan, who did not say a word, couldn’t help himself, and walked over and sneered.

"We are finished with urine. I will wipe it for you. What is it? We are just a child. Why are you so unloving?"

"Love? You talk to me about love?" Lu Yan face black.

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