My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3316: One million, accompany me for a drink (5)

The moment Joe got off the plane in Moscow, Joe’s family received the news.

So Joe's father is not surprised.

When he saw his son, Joe’s father was still more or less excited.

Joe is his favorite little son. Before he turned to his face for a woman, he was very sad.

Come back now...

"Dad, I am back." Qiao Fei said that the clouds are light and windy, not a little embarrassing.

"Just come back."

Father Qiao’s father still hurts his son, and he is reluctant to complain.

Instead, sitting on the side of Jonan, sneer, "When the third brother left you, the words are absolutely gone. You are a person who loves face from childhood to age. I really didn't expect to overthrow my words so soon, it seems... can't get away from it, what's the life? It's also about... eating a woman, living a woman, spending a woman's money, living a little white face, so going on, surely it's a stomach. Lu Yan, the woman did not run on you less?"

"You..." Amy couldn't listen, and some people looked down on Joe.

Just coming forward to the theory, he was stopped by Joe.

She is not daring to say more.

"The second brother said that it makes sense. I really can't stand the smoke. Come back, what? The second brother seems to be unhappy with my brother's return? Is it afraid that I will steal something?"

"Oh, what do I have to steal?" Joanna looked provocatively at Joe.

"The second brother thinks that precious things are not necessarily rare to me. Non-life does not like to grab people. The second brother does not need to be wary."

"How come? We are brothers... How can I beware of you, like Dad, I am very... I love you."

Joanna deliberately aggravated the two words of love, and the discerning person knew what was going on at a glance.

"Dad, I just came back, the long-distance plane is a little tired, I will go back to sleep first."

"Well, wait for you to rest well and get you in the evening."

Father loves the little son very much, by his temper.

When Joe was finished, he went away and was as cold as ever.

"Congratulations to the Lord." A group of elders also gave Joe a face, and a little caller's face changed.

Joe is not in the palace

To be honest, looking at this familiar place, Joe's cold face, no change, no feeling at all.

It is... I miss the plane plane of Lu Yan. I have spent most of the time in the past few months.

"Wow... Joe, your palace is so beautiful, this Russian building has a very style."

Amy came here for the first time. Seeing everything is rare, the most important thing is to be happy.

Without the stumbling block of land smoke, only she and Joe did not get along with each other. She believed that it would take a long time for herself to climb onto Joe's bed.

Then he was righted up by him. After all, he is still here as the next person.

"I go to sleep, if you want to go shopping, you can't go around, out of this garden, if there is danger, I can't keep you." Joe's faint opening.

"I know, Joe Shao." Amy smiled.

Joe Fei turned and went to the inner temple to rest.

Amy took a bottle of water and just wanted to go in and visit.

However, the door closing sound that Joe had touched was blocked out of the door and suddenly stunned.

She knows that Qiao Shao is still wary of himself. After all, he cannot accept himself at once.

After entering the inner hall, Joe did not lie down on the soft big bed, and his mood was suddenly depressed.

He missed the land smoke, yes, although it was less than 48 hours apart.

But just think about it, think about her...

Inside another palace

"Master, the three young masters are back, what should we do?" Joanna's men seem to be highly vigilant.

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