My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3318: One million, accompany me for a drink (seven)

"What is this?" Amy has some concerns.

"A neurological drug."

"Why should I give the three young masters to eat." Amy was nervous.

"Don't be nervous, woman... he won't have any side effects... just sleepy, so that he can feel peace of love with you, don't have extra energy to get involved in the smoke. Things, you don't want him to be combined with land smoke?"


"Do you believe me?" Joanna picked an eyebrow.

"I just don't want to do anything... anything that hurts the three young masters." Amy took the porcelain bottle and was very tangled inside.

"I have said that it is not a deadly medicine. I want to kill Joe Fei now. Minutes, after all... here is my home."

After listening to Jonan, Amy finally put away the small porcelain bottle.

After Amy left, the person around Qiaonan asked, "Master, will she believe in you?"

"It should be, after all, she is also worried that Luyan will come back to grab her."

"The owner's move is really high. The incubation period of this drug is three months. After three months, Joe's liver begins to rot. At that time, we can effortlessly. On the old master's side, we can also blame the blame on the AIDS. This is a small monk."

"Oh, so let's say... I don't even have a brain for my third brother. The people around me don't have any brains... I don't know how the little girl of Luyan will look at him."

Joanna is proud of it.

Old castle

Early morning

When Joe was up, Amy had prepared breakfast and made a lot of Chinese food that Joe didn't like. It seemed that a lot of effort was made.

"Joe Shao, it's time to eat."

"Well." Joe was sitting quietly at the table.

Amy walked over with a cup of hot coffee and her hands trembled a little.

"Joe Shao, your coffee."

"Come here." Joe did not pick up.

"That... you have to drink hot, if you are cold, you will not drink." Amy urged.

Joanna guessed it right. Amy, though worried that this thing is not good for Joe, is more worried that if there is danger in the land, Joe will not be able to control the land.

So in the end, I put the unknown powder in Joe's coffee.

Joe looked down at the coffee and didn't worry about it.

"Go get me sugar."

"You used to... didn't you like to put sugar?" Amy gave a slight glimpse.

"I used to like Luyan before. The habits of the past always changed slowly." Qiao Fei said that the clouds are light and windy.

Amy didn't dare to say more, turned and walked to the kitchen.

When Amy entered the kitchen, Joe was very quick to change his coffee and Amy.

The exact same color, the exact same cup, can't see any flaws at all.

After Amy came back, he handed the sugar to Joe.

Joe was putting her own coffee under her gaze... and stirring slowly.

Amy stared at this scene with a thrilling look. She was very nervous. Joe was so smart. If he knew it, he would be finished.

Joe has never looked up to see Amy, but under her silent watch, she slowly drank the coffee.

Looking at Joe Fei did not notice, Amy also put down his heart.

Then took the time to send a message to Jonan, "He has already drank."

From the beginning to the end, she may be too nervous, not paying attention to Joe's mouth with a sneer.

After Joe finished drinking coffee, he looked up and was very gentle. "You also sit down to eat, and the coffee is hot."

"Good... good." Amy was flattered, sitting opposite Joe and drinking her own coffee.

"Like it, drink a little more..." Joe did not laugh.

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