My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3320: One million, accompany me for a drink (9)

"Yes, envy and hate." Douding is also very straightforward.

"Ha ha ha, okay, uh... hurry back to your room and envy you, I have to rest with my sister."

"Small, you can't say, bring me with you?"

"Of course not, our two sisters in the world, must be anyone, and good night." Lu Yan deliberately forgetted, even the outside prostitute was excluded.

"Oh, if you are like this, I don't love you anymore." Doudou is spoiled.

"Don't love me, can you, just give you 20,000 dollars, get it back." Lu Yan reached out.

"Oh, don't make trouble, I am joking with you, Xiao Yan... My love for you is like a river."

"Yes, stop, I will definitely say it for a while, will you live in our hearts forever?" Lu Yan smiled.

"Hahaha, I didn't say it. This is what you said. I don't want this pot."

"Go and go, look for your sister, and find each sister."

In the end, Douding silently followed the pudding back to the room to sleep.

Lu Yan also happily glared at his sister, who occupied the main bedroom.

Qin Chu went to the study room with his laptop and continued to work.

Luyan is wearing a cotton sleepwear that is hibernating, but it is obviously much more beautiful than Hooning himself. After all, Lu Yanyan has a high value.

"Smoke, you said, the trick is a sister, but why you are much better than me..." Huo Mian lamented.

"Ha ha ha, that's because you look like an old lady, I look like aunt." Lu smoke proud.

"Aunt is very beautiful?" When Huo Mian sighed that the gene was unfair to himself, he suddenly thought of a photo of his mother who had never seen it. He really didn't know what it was like.

I only know that I am called Lin Ya. As for the others, Lu Yan is not willing to say more, and my father seems to be reluctant to mention more.

"Yes, my aunt's high-valued people are angry. If I grow up like this, I would say that it is not as good as my aunt's tenth..."

"Is it a peerless beauty like Audrey Hepburn?"

"I think it's better than Hepburn... really, it doesn't blow."

"Is there a photo, let me see?" Huo Mian thinks that a small cigarette phone may have photos.

"Yes, but... the old man has told me that I will not tell you too much about my aunt."

“Why?” Huo Mian was a little surprised.

"That is... what to say? About aunt, there are a lot of things happening, and the amount of information is very large, and her identity is now included in the red alert. Now, in any country in the world, there is no database about her. A little bit of news, so tell you, there is no information on Ms. Lin Ya on the earth now."

“Is the aunt an alien?” Huo Mian was even more surprised.

"Ha ha ha ha, sister, you are stupid, not stupid, but also alien, you have seen more in the Star Wars?" Lu Yan smiled.

Laughing at my stomach, my sister is cute and cute.

"Listen to the mystery you said, so I also opened my mind."

"Hah, that's too big. In short, don't think about it. This will definitely be said when you say it later."

"Then can I take a look at the photos?" Huo Mian finally had such a small request.

"Actually, all of her photos have been destroyed. The only one left in my hand is this."

Said, Lu Yan opened the system in the watch, and then a decryption, watching the sleep of Huo Mian.

In the end, the illusory influence that appears in midair is a sketch.

"What are you painting?" asked Huo Mian.

"Well, the old man destroyed all the photos about his mother. I couldn't bear it. Finally, I left this sketch."

" really beautiful." Looking at the picture, Huo Mian muttered to himself.

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