My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3334: One million, accompany me for a drink (23)

"Dragon?" Lu Yan slightly frowned, apparently had not heard of this character.

"We are lucky to be counted by our dragons. Long Shao has always been generous with the girl she saw."

This person thinks that most of the girls who can come to the nightclubs are worshipping women and coming for money.

"Oh... this way...that...what is the benefit of drinking with him?" Luyan asked seriously.

"There are a lot of benefits. You just have to let us have less fun with you. What do you want?"

"Yeah? Then I want a broadcast 747."

"Haha, beauty, you are so funny."

"I am serious... I ask you if you can't get out of the dragon, let me accompany the wine... but it is very expensive and expensive." After that, Lu Yan mysteriously smiled.

At this time, the guests of other tables also drove the waiters to the land to send wine.

Although the lights are darker here, everyone can't spend their eyes.

The appearance of Luyan is definitely a beautiful woman.

Many men, like flies, can’t wait to stare at them immediately.

Lu Yan actually, didn't want to get into trouble, because she knew that Joe Fei was sure that he couldn't worry, looking for someone to monitor himself.

So deliberately do this, let the guy eat jealous.

Unexpectedly, there are still many unexpected gains...

"Beauty, this is the guest from the seventh table." The waiter put down a cocktail.

"Beauty, this is the 16th table Mr. Song sent you." The waiter put a bouquet of roses.

"This is the guest of the 33rd table, and said that you want to drink whatever you want, he will pay."

Luyan sat in the inconspicuous corner, but the tortured waiter ran off his leg.

She sat here for less than ten minutes.

It was discovered, and then someone sent flowers to the wine, and some had to pay for her.

This boldness is comparable to that of foreign countries, and the land smoke is also a shame.

It’s a human being. In a place like a bar, I see beautiful women and want to get a hand. This is human nature.

But if some people use tough means, then it is another matter.

After Shao Shao’s men, after seeing Lu Yan’s words, he was in trouble and immediately went back to discuss with the boss.

"how about it?"

"Long Shao, that girl is quite proud and proud, refused to come... and said..."

"What did you say?" The man named Long Shao had a Chinese cigarette in his hand, a tattoo full of arms, and a cross-legged face.

"She said that it would be expensive to let her accompany the wine."

"Ha ha ha, really ridiculous, expensive? I am afraid of expensive? You go to tell her, a glass of wine 10,000."

"it is good."

After listening to the master’s instructions, the dog’s leg immediately ran to the side of the road.

The gas is not exhausted, "beauty, we have less to say, a cup of wine 10,000."

"Ten 10,000? Send a slap, roll away." Lu Yan directly waved a hand and drove the man away.

The table is still being given a gift, and it will not be ready soon.

Some female guests in the bar also began to get sour.

"Who is that woman? It’s so disgusting, it looks like a pair of green tea."

"Yeah, look at her chest, at most 32A, what else?"

"Yeah, it looks like a fox, and there are so many flowers. Everyone is jealous."

"This little sister hasn't seen it before, mix the scene?"

“It’s not like we’re in the circle, is it a little actor?”

Both men and women have begun to be interested in the identity of Luyan.

This mysterious woman, no one knows her, looks at her age, wearing very simple clothes, but she has a magnificent beauty that is shocking to heaven and earth.

"Long Shao, that girl said that 10,000 is too little, ask if you are swearing?"

The little one called Long Shao’s face was black...

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