My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3336: One million, accompany me for a drink (25)

"Okay, I used to have a good family with money and money."

Lu Yan was in a good mood, so he got up and followed the dog's leg to come here.

The movement of Luyan immediately caused everyone's attention, so everyone unconsciously put their eyes on this body called Long Shao.

"Beautiful... beautiful... night... good evening." Seeing that Luyan came to himself, the dragon was so nervous that he stuttered.

"You will not be mentally retarded?" Lu Yan chuckled.

"" Seeing Lu Yan smiled, this kid is even more fascinated.

"Oh... is that stuttering?"

"No...not stuttering...I am flat...not so, only tight...tight..."

"Only the tension is like this." The people under him can't see the past, they said it for this kid.

"Roll... Who asked you to pick up the young master's words?" Long Shao seems to be not satisfied, giving the person behind him a slap.

"What is your name?" Lu Yan continued to smile and ask.

"My name is...Tao Cheng... Jackie Chan."

"Wow, four words, it’s so cool." Lu Yan deliberately said so.

"Not four... four words, Tao... Cheng... Jackie Chan."

"This is not four words?" Lu Yan could not help but enjoy.

"Long Shao, let me tell you, our boss's life is called Tao Chenglong." The dog's legs couldn't help but robbed the words, looking at his young master, because of the nervousness of seeing a woman, it is really urgent. No.

"Oh... Mr. Tao, I heard that you want to ask me to accompany you to accompany the wine?" Lu Yan sat across from her, playing with delicate nails.

"Just think... know... know, make... make a friend." The dragon said less stuttering.

"Oh, this way... it’s easy, I heard that you just opened the price of a million glasses of wine?"

"Well, yes." This time, this kid learns to be smart. In order to avoid stuttering, the people around him are ridiculed, and they can only talk less and even go through a single word.

"Then you will prepare the money first."

"I... not bad money... you... you can rest assured." Long Shao shot the chest to make a guarantee.

"But we only met for the first time, I don't believe you brought millions of cash out."

"I... can... transfer money... WeChat sweep... sweep it... OK." The words of the kid, the people around him stuttering are uncomfortable.

Lu Yan is even more laughable. He used to fight and kill in foreign countries. Didn't expect to be an ordinary person so fun?

"Since you are so refreshing, it's good... so many people look at it, I believe you are too embarrassed to play it...but since it is accompanied by drinking, that is, I have a drink for you, is this right?"

"Of course...." Long Shao has a good amount of alcohol, so he listened to Lu Yan and said that he would drink with himself and suddenly screamed.

"Well, very good, go to the bar." Lu Yan waved his hand.

At this time, the waiter began to take the beer up...

"Hey, wait... the beer is too boring, it's all kids drinking." Lu smoke stopped the waiter.

Everyone is a little bit...

"That... what do you want to drink? Cocktail, or fruit... fruit wine?" asked the man named Long Shao.

"Since it is domestic, I will follow the customs, how about Erguotou?"

"Liquor?" Hearing Lu Yan said Erguotou, this kid is another glimpse.

"Well." Lu Yan nodded.

"Hahaha, our young master is very good at drinking. You are a woman who is looking for a dead end..." Long Shao’s men laughed.

"Drink too much... you... you have to go with me tonight..." Finally, this kid said his own thoughts.

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