My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3339: Xiaomian, you killed me (3)

"Young master, young master, what's wrong with you, is it okay?"

Several men rushed to help their young masters.

This kid phone is not stable, and fell to the ground.

When the man lowered his head and helped him pick it up, he saw the text message clearly.

It is written that the respected user of a certain line, the black gold card that you hold in the Bank is at 20:33:52, and the international payment is RMB 10 million. The remaining amount is now 250 yuan. whole. ”

Take a careful time, that is, two hours ago, when you came to wash your stomach.

Ten million inexplicable people were turned away. The most ridiculous thing is that he left a 250.

"How did she do it, impossible... I don't believe it, she doesn't know the password, and my card is double-encrypted. How could she take it away, or is it still so short?"

"Young master, don't be excited, we look for someone to check to see if the bank is wrong."

"Make your mistake, this card is now 250."

Long Shao yelled in the hospital and was very excited. He was drunk into the hospital and washed his stomach. The 10 million in Cary was gone.

No one is more big than him?

After an hour, communicate with the bank.

The reporter reports, "Young Master..."

“How do you say the bank?” Long Shaoyi was angry.

"The bank said that...the money in your card was actually transferred, and the password was cracked at night."

"Where did you go? Give me the name of the little monk and the bank, find it, and I will get the money back."

"Goed to..."

Having said that, the people under his hand paused and seemed to dare not look at the eyes of their young master.

"There is something to say, there is a fart."

"Going to the outside world, the other party is a space account. I only know that it is a Swiss bank, but I can't check it. There is no outsider to investigate any customer information. The woman... seems to be not that simple."

"I don't care if she is simple, since the money can't be found, then I will find it for me. Is there a camera at night? Give me a replay, give me the little monk... I want to kill she was."

The feeling of being played by people is very uncomfortable. Long Shao is also anxious and ruined in the hospital.

The night camera has long been blacked out by the land, and all the videos are gone.

Unless you look for a portrait of a portrait artist on the other side of the Criminal Investigation Department.

Therefore, it is also very difficult to find someone.

Luyan’s harvest was not small, and the slot machine won 100,000, only 80,000.

Then I drank ten glasses of wine at night and won another ten million. The main thing is that the ten glasses of wine were all dissolved by the hangover chewing gum that Lu Yan had eaten.

The second forced not only drunk, but also thought that he could not withdraw money without telling his password.

Where does he know that Luyan is a top hacker, cracking the information of these black card customers in minutes.

After Lu smoked out of the night, he was in a good mood. When he passed the dessert shop, he bought a lot of desserts and then went back to Nanshan Castle.

Su Yu private villa

"Su, are you back?"

Xiao An quickly took the slippers to the boss.

"Well." Su Yu was tired.

"How is that over there?"

"The mistake of the construction party has led to an accident, one death and three injuries, which is very serious."

"That... what?"

"Let's deal with it slowly. I have contacted our lawyers team to communicate with family members and hope to reach a consensus as soon as possible."

"Well." Xiaoan nodded.

"How are you today? Xiaomian that sister is fun?"

"It’s fun... quite fun..." Xiao An said that he was crying and laughing.

"It’s awful. It’s not easy for people who have such expressions. Just tell me, where is the girl sacred?” Su Yu looked at Xiao’s complex look and suddenly felt that he had missed something today.

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