My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3353: Second-hand woman is worthless (six)

The moment the Wei brothers and sisters came in, the audience was quiet...

It seems that everyone else is also forced.

And Wei Liao’s expression also shows that he does not know that there are so many people in it?

Wei Ying is wearing a simple goose yellow lace side ladies dress, behind the small dew, is a small V-shaped, looks petite and cute.

"Old Wei is also...coming." Su Yu always feels that the faint promise is not quite right?

At this time, Shen Mingxi took the lead to get up.

"Wei Erge."

"Hold it, I never seem to have been with you, so this brother, where do you start?" Wei Liao did not give face.

"I used to be with Xiaoying..."

"You also said, it was before, now I still mention, a little touch of porcelain?"

"No, I am asking you to come today, but I really want to do something I have always wanted to do."

After that, Shen Mingxi took the microphone from the assistant in his side.

In front of the whole house, I first looked at Wei Liao and looked at Wei Ying.

Then he said, "I did what Shen Mingxi did before, and it was really irritating. I once gave the Wei family a deep hurt to Xiaoying... Here, I have to apologize first."

"If you apologize, you don't have to, Mr. Shen still said the point, we are very busy." Wei Liao intends his words, does not seem to want to listen to his grievances.

"I admit what I did, but people are not sages. I don't want to miss it because of my own mistakes... Wei Erge, let me say a shameless word, I still like small in my heart. Ying."

"This sentence is really shameless." Wei Liao looked at Shen Mingxi coldly.

"Brother..." Wei Ying secretly pulled the brother's sleeves, feeling that his brother's tone was a bit heavy.

"Love itself is not at fault. What is wrong is the treasure that I did not understand before. Wei Erge, now Xiaoying is not married, and I am not swearing again... I hope she and you Wei Jia can give me a chance."

"In your dreams……."

"I know that this request is very rude, so I thought about it for a long time. Today, I have specially invited so many people to witness. In particular, I also invited Su Ye to come over... Please do supervision, if I am hurting Xiaoying in the future, I am willing to accept all punishment."

"You will not hurt Xiaoying again, because you don't have this opportunity... We won't give you this opportunity."

"Wei Erge, I really like Xiaoying..."

"Shen Mingxi, good horses don't eat back and Xiaoying before everything, we don't pursue, but we never forgive...but it doesn't mean forgetting what you and Huo Wei did, breaking the mirror You can't reconcile this truth. Presumably, you also know that if you are because of Shen's recent crisis, you can use this method... I advise you to die this heart, we Wei will never help you... you also Don't think about using my sister."

"Not like this, no use, I am sincere..."

After that, Shen Mingxi took out a small box from his trouser pocket.

Inside is a Cartier diamond ring.

"Xiao Ying... Sorry... If you like, please give me another chance... I will never lose you again this time."

After that, Shen Mingxi was so in front of everyone, kneeling on one knee.

Holding the ring in both hands, in front of Wei Ying.

Wei Ying’s expression was quite shocking. With the low-key and introverted character of Shen Mingxi, it should not have been such a thing. It is obvious how much he is under the guise...

Su Yu is also a bit unprepared and feels very suddenly.

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