My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3364: I like Su Yu (3)

"Labor and capital have always been talking about it, come on."

Luyan has already done a good job of killing Huo Siqian.

Huo Siqian rushed straight up with a punch, and then recruited a pickpocket, just to find a way to live.

Luyan began to hide only, not to fight back, so that he consumed a lot of physical strength.

Just when Horsham was unable to do anything, Lu Yan began to fight back.

The seemingly weak girl, punching down, let Hoshouqian hear the sound of broken ribs.

He reluctantly rushed up, and he was not close, and he was kicked by Luyan... The left rib was broken.

At this time, Lu Yan stepped forward and stepped on the wrist of Huo Siqian, and died.

"You are such a person, it is a pity to die a hundred times."

"You... are smoke?"

Huo Siqian only reacted a bit now, just thinking about it, Qin Chu did not hear that there was such a fierce female killer.

The skills are simply against the sky, and recruiting is difficult. Clean and neat.

When most of the land smokers go out, they will wear a thin layer of human skin mask, which is hand-made and has a high degree of simulation.

According to her face, she can become a different person.

So Huo Siqian did not recognize it at the beginning. This is Luyan.

If you know it early, it is estimated that you will not be fighting with others and looking for abuse.

This is less than five minutes. Huo Siqian has had more fractures in his body. He is afraid that he will run not far.

"Good, I also know that I am a land smoke."

After that, the land smoker put his face on the face and took off a thin mask to reveal the truth.

"Cough... It really is you." Huo Siqian spit a blood, and suddenly realized.

"Hello, Huo Siqian, no, it should be Jack." Lu Yan stared at him coldly.

"Oh, the original Qin Chu is a me who defeated by a small scorpion..."

Jack just finished saying this, Lu Yan reached out and immediately caught his neck.

"You don't want to be provocative... you have a little trick, you can't lie to me... you have lived long enough, you should go to hell..."

Lu Yan stuck in Jack's neck with one hand, and took a dagger with one hand. It was a knife at his abdomen.

"Amount..." The sudden pain made Jack scream and his face was extremely painful.

"Sorry, I am not as kind as my sister... I just want to marry you twenty or thirty knives... and... you can't die in the process."

After that, the land smoke is a knife down... it is very fast.

Because his neck was caught by the land smoke, he couldn’t scream any sound, but he only endured great pain.

Lu Yan, this person, is really ruthless, her kindness, only love.

Huo Siqian may be a knot in his heart for Huo Mian.

But not for the land smoke, she can kill him without killing like a cow and sheep.

"You are so to me...Huo Mian knows... I will hate you..." Jack was full of blood sneer.

"You can't afford to see yourself... you shouldn't know, killing you, or my sister's idea... My sister can't bear to kill Hosse, and you... Jack."

"What's the difference? Anyway, it's not all a body..." He continued to sneer.

"Death is coming, there are so many nonsense... If you are such a person, if you drop my hand early, I should have been feeding the dog..."

After that, Lu smoke is a knife...

At this time, Jack's breath is already very weak, and the land-smoke knife is not merciless. He is afraid that he will not hold on to twenty or thirty knives.

It is this, in the black night sky, the sound of the helicopter suddenly appears.

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