My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3371: I like Su Yu (10)

When the aunts heard it, they immediately rushed in. Like the robbery, they shouted to pack.

Kun Ge’s head is playing...

"Kun, you won't be upset?"

"No... no."

"Then you have enough money? If you don't have enough, you should be able to swipe your card..."

"Enough." The man said with a grin.

Later, he once again put his eyes on this beautiful little sister.

"Sister... How old are you?"

"19." Lu Yan said shamelessly.

"Ah... so small, it’s no wonder that it looks like flowers." The man swallowed.

Lu Yan smiled and did not speak.

"What are you doing?"

"I am... a student, a student of the art academy." Lu Yan continued to speak swearing with his eyes open.

"Haha, this is good, I like the students of your art academy, good shape, good looks...all good."

Said that the man continued to look at Lu Yanxiao with no good intentions.

"Kun Ge, sit down." Lu smoke escaped from the hospital to relieve boredom, I wanted to simply eat some skewers and drink some beer, I did not expect to encounter stupidity.

She suddenly felt that she was no longer lonely tonight.

So I talked very enthusiastically to this man, and I just put people on the shelves. I will pay tens of thousands of dollars for everyone in a blink of an eye.

The owner of the barbecue restaurant is grateful to Lu Yan.

I even sent a pot of crayfish in person.

"Girl, thank you for making my business so good tonight, this pot of crayfish is what I sent you." The honest boss smiled.

Lu Yan took over the crayfish and said, "What to send... We don't have bad money, don't send it, don't pay for it."

"Amount..." The boss is also very aggressive.

The man named Kun Ge is crying.

After Lu Yan took a sip of crayfish, he got up again.

Kun Ge is now watching Lu smoke up and feel that his heart is shaking...

Sure enough, I only heard Lu Yan shouted, "Boss, you crayfish is delicious, you give each table a few pots."

"Several pots... I am afraid not so much." The boss is also very troubled.

Where do you know that today will be such a hot scene.

"That doesn't matter, how much is there, how good is your family, and the expensive ones are going up. We have money, not bad money." Lu Yan said.

At this time, the man could not hold back.

Stop the smoke, "Sister, low-key, ha, I have money, but I don't want others to know that I have money."

"That's how it works, you are such a good person, local tyrant, so everyone knows you."

At this time, Luyan pointed to a pair of people who seemed to be small couples.

"You two, record a little video to Kun Ge, send Weibo up... Let's publicize and publicize his deeds tonight, good people."

"Yeah, good man." People around eating are constantly boasting.

The little couple was very obedient to take out the mobile phone and give a video to Kun Ge.

The man is finally riding a tiger...

He also began to react a little, this woman seems to be intentional.

"Sister... You see, I want to invite you to eat alone. You are so a big group of people... What do you mean?" The man looked at Luyan with some anger.

"Big brother, how are you asking me, not because you are friends with me, very happy, what about the celebration? You don’t want to spend money, if you don’t want to spend, you will say directly, this money, I will come. That is." Lu Yan deliberately made a loud voice to everyone around.

"I don't mean that. I just think..." The man seemed to be very aggressive. He always felt that something was wrong and he couldn't say what was wrong.

"Boss, buy the order first, Kun Ge said, please these people, and later do not ask, so let you check out first." Lu smoke is afraid, when the time is not because of more money, men repent, do not want to save money So, using the scheme to force him to check out first.

"Well..." The boss and the boss were each taking a calculator and started to settle accounts.

"I..." The man named Kun Ge wanted to refuse, but found that he could not say it.

Because hundreds of pairs of eyes are watching him.

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