My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3375: I like Su Yu (14)

"Ah? Looking for you?" Xiaoan was a bit dumbfounded.

But listening to Zeng Roo said so, I know that Zeng Jiao knows these black men.

So he pushed the wheelchair in Zeng Rou without the car arranged by Su Yu, but came to pick up a black Audi A8L.

Not long after, the car slowly stopped at the door of a five-star hotel.

"Miss, Madame said, let you go in alone." The bodyguard stopped Xiao An.


Zeng Rou nodded. He looked back at Xiao An and whispered, "Xiao An, don't worry, this is my mother's bodyguard."

"Amount, is your mother coming?" Xiaoan suddenly realized.

"Well, she must have something when she came. I am going to tell her a few words, ha."

"Okay, then there is something to call me."

Xiao An was the mother of Zeng Rou, and he was relieved a lot and did not follow.

The bodyguard pushed Zeng Rou into the hotel.

Penthouse suite

Zeng Ruo saw his mother, a middle-aged woman in her forties, and she was graceful.

Dressed and dressed very well, without losing the tradition, the temperament is not the kind that ordinary citizens should have.

"Mom..." Zeng Ruo saw her mother and quickly accompanied her smile.

The bodyguard pushed Zengrou’s wheelchair over and then turned and left the door, leaving a space for the mother and the daughter to speak alone.

"Look at what you made yourself, what..." When I heard the daughter in a car accident, I was worried about death.

Later, I wanted to go to Singapore and I heard that my daughter had returned to China.

After finding the exact news, Mrs. Zeng came to C City without stopping.

Her identity is special, and she rarely goes out in peacetime, so it is very secret to meet her daughter this time.

"Mom, I'm fine, ha, I just traveled with my friends, and then I was accidentally hit." Zeng Roo said that the wind was light and the hand reached out and spoiled with his mother.

Mrs. Zeng looked at her daughter like this, it was very distressing.

Sitting next to her, reaching out and putting it on Zengrou’s hand.

"Little soft... Have you been here for a while?"

"Amount...not long after..."

"How do you get along with Su Yu?"

"Very good, ha."

"Yes? But how do I hear that Su Yu is not very much waiting to see you..." Mrs. Zeng’s face was unhappy.

"Whoever you listen to, that's all rumors, Su Yu treats me well... This is not, I heard that I had an accident, let him go to pick me up." Zeng Rou explained.

"The bodyguard picks you up? Why didn't he go in person?" asked Mrs. Zeng.

"That... That's because his company is busy, can't get away from it... People are young talents, not the rich second generation who have nothing to do all day." Zeng Rou maintains Su Yu.

"Okay, you lie to me less, what the truth is like, Mom is clearer than you."


"Don't say it, I am coming today. One is worried about your injury, but I want to take you home."

"Mom, I don't want to go."

"Xiaorou, Su Yu is no better, you don't need to be so whispered, Su family is not a fake family, but you don't forget your identity, we don't need to marry your marriage... you have to find What big man, you go back with me, go back to the province, my father and I mean, just find one that is good for you, really hurts you, even if it is ordinary people, we are willing to accept, my father and you only have you A daughter, we both can’t stand you being wronged.”

"Mom, what are you talking about? I am not particularly wronged by Su Yu. I am really good."

"You don't lie to me. I met Su Yu's mother. Mrs. Su told me about the situation."

"Ah?" Zeng Rou was a little panicked.

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