My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3378: I like Su Yu (7)

"Oh... hello." I know that the twins don't like themselves, but Zeng Ruo still said hello.

Doudou did not speak directly, and the pudding might be to avoid people's jealousy.

I nodded with Zeng.

"Amount... Su Yuren?" Zeng said.

"Change clothes upstairs." This is the answer from Pudding.

"Miss Zeng, do I have to send you back to the bedroom to change clothes?" asked Xiao An.

"Okay, trouble you, Xiao An."

"you are welcome."

When Xiao An pushed Zeng Rou to go inside, he couldn't help but ask Pudding and Doudin. "Are you leaving?"

"No, she is hospitalized."

"Ah? Why are you hospitalized?" Xiaoan was amazed and had an anxious color on his face.

"Well, my mom said... It seems to be fighting with people, the brain is shaking..." Douding thought about it and described it.

"Call with people? Concussion?" Xiaoan feels that this amount of information is a bit large.

It took me a long time to go to Singapore to pick up an individual. Suddenly this happened.

If I have been following the little girl, protect her, maybe not so much, right?

"Hey? Uncle Uncle, hello, ask me what I am doing? You shouldn't like her?" Douding smirked.

"Cough and cough... don't say anything."

After Xiao’an denied, he pushed Zengrou to go to the bedroom.

"Xiao An, who is their little sister? Who are you talking about?" Zeng Rou gossip.

"You don't know, it's Dr. Huo's sister."

"Oh oh..."

In the living room, the twins began an intoxicating conversation.

Doudin: Sister, don't you think this is a bit sonoying? ”

Pudding: Fortunately.

Doudin: Don't you think she is the same as the women with ulterior motives? I stayed here all day, eating our Su Shuai, living in our Su Shuai, accidentally stupid, won our Su Shuai sympathy, pity her, good intentions.

Pudding: If she really likes Su Shuai, with some small means, it is not hurtful.

Doudin: Hey? Sister, what happened to you, your elbows are turning outwards, talking to outsiders?

Pudding: No, I am talking about things. Compared with those women before, Zeng Ro is still okay, at least one point is stronger than those people.

Douding: Which point?

Pudding: She is not very stupid to find our mommy's aunt.

Douding: Is that because she dare not?

Pudding: There is nothing to dare, just don't do it. Listen to Mommy once, she seems to want to be friends with Mommy.

Doudin: This is not a deliberate play, in order to chase Su Shuai, use Mommy?

Pudding: It’s hard to say, it’s still a matter of what kind of woman this woman is.... Do not be so excited, don’t you become a happy bachelor, you are happy?

Doudin: It doesn't mean that. I just think that Zeng is not worthy of our Su Shuai.

Pudding: Then who do you think deserves?

Doudin: Well... I think Xiaoyan can, little aunt can, anyway, the daughter-in-law can.

Pudding: Very good, then let's go and see if Uncle Tang will kill you... and Xiaoyan also has a boyfriend, don't give it a mess.

Doudin: Forget it, I don't worry about it anymore. Anyway, I think... Su Shuai wouldn't like a woman like Zeng Rou.

After the Bean Ding finished, he continued to hold the lollipop in his hand and then played with his mobile phone.

After Zengrou changed clothes in the room, he took a few things out.

"Small, trouble you push me to see Su Yu, okay?"

"Okay." Xiaoan nodded and pushed Zengrou to the bedroom of Su Yu.

Su Yugang changed clothes and was preparing to go out and meet her.

"came back?"


"There is nothing wrong with the foot, the weight of the injury is not heavy?" Looking at Zeng Roo as a wheelchair, Su Yu is quite worried.

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