My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3380: I like Su Yu like this (9)

"Ah... don't remember, didn't see it."

"Then you are offending someone, how can you find you at the end?" Xiaoan analysis.

"Well, it should be that I am a big man, deliberately teach me?"

Regarding the mysterious people, the group of people who rescued Huo Siqian, Lu Yan felt that it was a very big man.

For the time being, I will slow down first, don’t check it, and I won’t tell others.

Especially Xiao An, this ordinary person...

"Then your injury is not serious?"

"Not serious, it is a slight concussion. It will be good to sleep for two days. If my sister didn't let me stay one more day, I planned to leave the hospital today."

"Don't you, listen to Dr. Huo, she is also for you."

"Well." Lu Yan nodded.

"Do you want to eat apples, can I cut one for you?" said Xiao An.

"No... no, I don't want to eat, thank you."

"That's waiting for you to leave the hospital, well, where do you want to go, I will accompany you, so you can protect you."

"You... protect me?" Lu Yan looked at Xiao An.

"Well, although I know that you will make a little effort, but you are a girl after all... There are many bad guys in this world, you are still a little prepared... I am the bodyguard around Mr. Su and have protected your sister, that is Dr. Huo, please trust me for three years."

Xiao An said that a serious, Lu Yan almost laughed.

"Ah... I trust you, I absolutely trust you, I know that you reach out, have you not been a special soldier before?"

"How do you know?" Xiao An was surprised.

"Inside... I heard what my sister said, and said that Su Yu was also used."

"Well, Su was always our squad leader. It was very powerful. I thought he would be in the army for the rest of his life. He didn't expect to change his career at the end." Xiaoan sighed.

Thinking of the time with Su Yu in the army, Xiao An felt that it was the most bloody.

"I am really fine, I don't have to protect... I am actually okay, I can handle it." Lu Yan said.

"I want to be by your side, you will not be hurt."

"Boy, why are you so good to me?" Lu Yan suddenly looked at Xiao An and asked.

"I... I am because of General Su’s account, you are Dr. Huo’s sister. Su and your family are very good friends, so I have to protect you.”

"This reason is awkward."

Xiao An:......

"Your kindness I received, but I really don't need your protection. You can protect Su Yu." Lu Yan laughed.

Then head down and continue playing the game.

When Lu smoke laughed, he was especially childish.

There are also small dimples, which are very good-looking. Xiao An knows that such a girl is so good and will not be like how she is.

Looking at the speed at which she spends money, she knows that she is certainly wealthy.

And I heard that I have been living abroad, such a worth, not my own small bodyguard can climb high.

But Xiao An still can't resist this temptation.

This little girl's skill, personality, and conversation are particularly interesting.

Su Yu had always wanted to match him and Zeng Rou. He did not dare to climb high. He was a daughter of Zeng Shuji. Moreover, he felt that he and Zeng Rou were more like buddies.

There is no such feeling of heart, but this little girl is different. When she can't see her, she will think of her from time to time.

"You call ... Lu Yan?" When she came, she heard about her name in the mouth of Huo Mian, and did not ask carefully before.

"Oh, yes." Lu Yan answered casually.

"This name is very good," said Xiao An.

"Oh, is it? I always complained that the old man gave me a name and didn't take it. It must be that he loves to smoke, so I named it smoke."

"Haha, you are so funny." Xiaoan listened to Lu Yan and said, he couldn't help but laugh.

"I am serious... no jokes." Lu Yan said seriously.

"Lu Yan, how old are you this year?" Xiao An boldly asked.

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