My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3383: Random point spectrum (2)

"of course not."

"But you were not like this before... you actually want to drive us away..."

Said, the tears in the eyes of the pudding flashed.

Douding looked at her sister's appearance and immediately started.

"Su Shuai, I didn't expect you to change your mind so fast. Do you like other children again... I think we both grew up, not so cute?"

"No, really, no." At this moment, Su Yu felt that she was more embarrassed than the woman who called Dou.

"If you really don't want us here, if you miss your good things, then let's go..." Pudding said.

"Yes, let's go, we won't come later." Douding God made a knife.

"Hey, don't don't, little don't bother, don't, don't do this... I am so hearty..."

Su Yu feels that the twins are angry and scary than Huo Mian.

Because Dr. Huo is sulking at most, but the twins are spoiled and angry, it is really distressing, don't want it.

"Who is the trouble, said good, the two of us are afraid of your lonely and empty, big night, throwing the land and Mommy at home, accompanying you, accompanying you to eat, accompanying you to drink, and accompanying you to play games... Now that there are small friends coming back, we must drive us away?" Douding black face.

Zeng Rou saw that this situation was not good. He said, "Su Yu, you dare not let the two of them go. If they leave, I will jump into the Yellow River and I can't wash it."

"Amount... Well, Bean Ding, I won't leave, I won't, you can't attack me..."

"Is it true?" Pudding sneaked at Su Yu.

"Yes, you must be sincere, leave it, don't you?" Su Yu began to marry two little ancestors.

"It’s OK, but given that you have to get rid of our two things, it has caused serious trauma to both of us, so..."

Bean Ding said half live, and then exchanged a look with her sister.

"So what?" Su Yuyin vaguely had a bad feeling.

"So... your compensation for us." Douding said.

"Scratch... This is a naked blackmail... You two are clearly set to give me a set." Su Yu can not laugh.

"In this case, who is going to pick up the two of us?" Douding dissatisfied.

"Well, it's me, it's me, I buried myself and buried myself, isn't it?" I don't dare to continue to offend.

"It was originally that you did things first, okay? So... you have to give us two compensation."

"Su, don't you have to take the check for you?" Xiaoan snickered.

"Go and go, don't look at the excitement."

"Don't check." Douding refused.

"The WeChat red envelope will not work, give you more points?" Su Yu laughed.

"No, no money, we are not bad money," said Pudding.

"Yes, not bad money." Douding is also confident.

"So, little ancestors, what do you want to make in the end?" Su Yuzhen regrets, why the mouth is so owed.

Let the two of them live directly, not everything is gone?

Now it’s been caught by a small scorpion, and it’s a blackmail.

"It's very simple, we only have one request." Douding said.

"Yes, one request." Pudding repeats the words of Bean Ding.

"What requirements?" Su Yuji is also a group turn.

"Sister, you are."

"Why, I am the most suitable for you." Pudding looked at the Bean Ding.

"No, I have said so much, it is time for you."

The two sisters squabble on the side, and Su Yu waited for a long time and did not wait for the answer. It’s just crazy.

"Grandma, can you still not bother, let me tell you, what can you do if you can't do it? My little heart..." Su Yu pretended to pour on the sofa.

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