My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3394: Don't like people like me (3)

"Su Shuai, it should be convenient...." Douding asked with a smile.

Both of them actually know that this is undoubtedly a problem for Su Yu.

Zeng Rou is not a nanny. It is a love for him to cook for Su Yu, not his share.

Therefore, Su Yu did not have the right to direct Zeng Rou to cook for everyone.

"Miss Douding, Miss Pudding... Miss Zengrou is..." Xiao An wants to explain and help the boss to break the fence.

But before I finished, I was interrupted by the pudding.

"Su Shuai, this way, you call home and ask her what it means, the things outside, we don't like to eat, or the taste of the family has a taste, Zeng Rou aunt heard that it will eat, So if she agrees, let's go directly to your home."

The pudding said everything like this. Su Yu did not have a reason to refuse, but he still felt that it was not good to command Zeng Rou.

But I also picked up the phone.

"Hey?" Zeng Rou was also stupid and did not wake up.

"Inside, will we have a convenient time to go back to dinner?"


"Well, can you give us some breakfast?" Su Yu has some guilty conscience.

"You? Who?" Zeng Rou is not stupid. Listening to Su Yu’s support, we have thought that there should be many people.

"I, Xiao An, Pudding, and ... their little sister." Su Yu said the voice is very low.

Once I heard it, I immediately understood what it meant.

Su Yu heard the silence on the phone and thought that it was Zengrou who wanted to reject himself.

Just want to talk, just listen to Zeng Rou.

"Okay, then I am going to prepare now."

“Is there any ingredients at home? If it is not enough, let’s go back and buy some.”

"Enough, yes, I asked Xiaoan to go to the supermarket yesterday."

"Yes, then we will be home soon."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yu still has some guilt.

"Well, she will do it now, let's go back now?" Su Yu said.

"Aunt Zeng soft agreed?" Douding is incredible.

"Agree, Zeng Rou is okay, sometimes a lot of nerves, and men are, this thing, she will not mind." Su Yu explained.

"Okay, let's go, eat breakfast." Douding happy holding the hand of the land smoke, several people went to the car.

"Small, you are sitting on Rambo, let Su Yu drive you." Douding gossip.

"Cough, no, inside, you sit down, I am sitting in the back." Lu Yan directly sat on the Porsche opened by Xiao An.

"Amount, Xiao Yan seems to be familiar with Uncle Xiao An?" Douding said.

"That must be, before Uncle Xiao An took her out to play." Pudding looked at Lu Yan on Xiaoan's car.

Then the two did not say much, went to the car of Su Yu.

As soon as he got on the bus, Su Yu began to ask for a crime.

"Let's say, what do you guys want to do?" Su Yu looked at them seriously.

"What do you do, Su Shuai, what do you say, how can I not understand?" Douding deliberately played a riddle.

"Don't pretend to be stupid, two little devils, you two are deliberately looking for Zeng Rou, why hate her?" Su Yu felt that the two children did not like Zeng Rou is true.

"No, how do we hate Zeng Rou?" Doudou did not admit it.

"Yeah, Su Shuai, which eyes do you see that we both hate Zeng Rou?" Pudding refused to admit.

"Hey, play with me, don't admit it, let me see you back, tell you, mom, wait for you." Su Yu began to zoom in.

"Amount...the thing between us, we solve it ourselves, Su Shuai, what kind of gentleman are you looking for?" Douding was anxious.

If Mommy knows that her two arrogant designs test Zeng Rou, she will definitely clean up both of them.

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