My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3399: Don't like people like me (eight)

"It's a friend, but I..." Su Yu still wants to say something.

"Okay, you really want to help me, help me wash the rice, I am going to cut the cucumber skin."

After that, Zeng Rou will put a small pot of rice in the hands of Su Yu.

When the two came out, it was already half an hour later.

"White rice porridge is good." Zeng soft came up.

"But I am full," Lu said.

Zeng Roo: ...

"How do you do this babysitter, is it too slow, is it professional enough?" Lu Yan took Zeng Rou.

"Miss Lu, she is not my babysitter, she is my friend..." Su Yu explained.

"Ah? Friends, Su, are you so generous? Can girls and friends live in your home?" Lu Yan deliberately asked.

Zeng Rou’s face flashed a trace of sorrow. Although I moved in, I was dead, but when I was really broken, it was really unfounded.

"Miss Zeng, is the girlfriend that the family introduced to us, so I came here to live."

Xiao An thinks that Zeng Rou Ping is a good person, breakfast, staying up late, often do it for them, so this time I don’t stand up and say something, I can’t bear it.

See Xiao An and Su Yu are protecting her, and there is more comfort in Zeng Jiaoxin.

"Oh, my girlfriend... this way, it is really my feelings, sorry, ha." Lu Yan laughed.

"Nothing, then... do you eat?"

Zeng Roo didn't say anything, just sitting next to Su Yu with a smile and starting to eat with his head down.

"You both eat, we have all finished, Su Yu has a swimming pool in your house, I just want to swim."

After that, Lu smoke looked at the twins. "You two, go with me."

"Okay, little."

The diced pudding and the pudding took the initiative to follow the land smoke and went out to the front of the pool.

Xiao An also finished eating, got up and went back to the room to change clothes and organize.

The entire restaurant, there are two people who have been soft and Su Yu, the atmosphere is a bit awkward.

"The woman is...?"

"That is the sister of Xiaomian." When Su Yu casually mentioned Huo Mian, he would say Xiaomian very gently.

"Oh, it turns out that it is Dr. Huo’s sister, and it looks so good."

"Yeah, their family's genes are good, so puddings and diced beans are also good-looking." Speaking of twins, Su Yu full of pride.

"Pudding and Bean Ding seem to mean that you are introduced to them." Zeng Rou said.

"Ah? No?" Su Yu was a little surprised.

"You didn't see the children's thoughts?"

"Impossible, how old she is, how old is it. It’s just a child in his early twenties. It’s not a dish."

I have heard how good Luyan is. After meeting, Su Yu discovered that Luyan is good-looking and the gas field is also domineering.

However, it is not the type he likes, it is as simple as that.

"The child is definitely trying to match you. After all, it's so good... In this case, I don't think it's convenient for me to stay here. I will move to the hotel after I pack it."

"Ah? Why, isn't it good to live here, and there are more rooms in the house."

If Zeng Rou wants to move away, Su Yu will not say anything, but if this happens, Su Yu feels a little bit wrong.

It seems that a group of people have taken people to bully.

"I think I am a little redundant here, ha." Zeng Jiaoxiao smiled.

Su Yu is silent...

"Su Yu, if now, I just said that if you choose one of Luyan and I, who do you choose?" Zeng Ruo suddenly looked at Su Yu's side face very seriously.

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