My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3406: Don't like people like me (fifteen)

"Not her." Huo Mian said calmly.

The twins seem to be a little surprised. After all, in addition to Zengrou, can these people inform others?

"Small, this will not be you?" Douding turned to look at the land.

"Do you think that you are a small girl, I am in this pattern? Everyday telling me to play?" Luyan suspected.

"Mummy, then what are you... How do you know this?" Pudding felt very strange.

In these people, if they did not say it, it is reasonable to say that other people will not inform.

"I saw it from the hospital's monitoring." Huo Mian once again calmly exported.

"Monitoring?" Douding is another glimpse.

The pudding suddenly realized. "Oh, I know, Mommy must go to the hospital to pick up the baby and leave the hospital. I found that Xiaoyan has been discharged from the hospital, then adjusted the surveillance video and heard our conversation at the door of the ward."

"Yes." Homonia nodded.

"It seems that we misunderstood Zeng Rou's aunt, and really thought it was her." Douding bit his lip and whispered.

"Whether or not she informs me, I must tell you two seriously, Su Yu's things, you can't control it anymore." Huo Mian still looks serious.

"Mummy..." Douding began to use the coquetry strategy.

"Don't be spoiled, I am talking about a very serious problem. Don't you think that you have enough two tubes?" Huo Mian cold face.

"That is, we did not treat ourselves as outsiders. Su Shuai is also like us to the family." Douding is arrogant.

"But as a family member, I should give him some space, even if your grandfather Su’s grandmother didn’t intervene this time... but you add chaos.”

After the twins were reprimanded by Mommy, they bowed their heads.

"Breakfast is my first warning and the last warning. You two are good at it."

After that, Huo Mian looked out the window. "The school is here, get off."

"Mummy goodbye, Xiaoyan see you again." Douding slouched with a bag and got off.

"Mummy goodbye, Xiaoyan see you again." Pudding seems to be full of grievances, there is no way to look at the problem from the mother's point of view, or that she is too strict with them.

After the children got out of the car, Luyan came up and took Huo Mian’s arm.

"Sister, you just... is it a bit too much?"

"not at all."

"I think that both children are scared." Lu Yan has some distressed two small ones.

"Lu Yan, don't be fooled by the two of them. They both have a lot of ghosts. It's also a bad card with me. Let me not continue to blame them. You think they are really scared. ?"

"Amount...the members of your family are so complicated." Lu Yan thinks that a family of four is really hard to get along with. The third little devil will come out soon. Will it be overwhelming?

"Isn't it? You think it is so easy to educate children. If you bring them out and bring them to the world, you must educate them to be human. Instead of letting them go, I don't want to raise two people into human nature in the future. The child with the princess is out, I don't want anyone else to say that I have no way to help the son."

"Oh, well, sister, how old are you, don't be the same as the old mom, listen to all depressed... Don't say they are both, don't you take me to check, ha..."

Lu Yan did not want to continue to discuss parenting with his sister.

After all, she is a person who has not understood in love.

In the Southern District Hospital, Huo Mian made a fine review of Lu Yan, and confirmed that she had nothing to do before she was willing to let her go.

Then, after a while, Zeng Rou also arrived.

It was a person who came by taxi. This made Huo Mian have some accidents. She originally thought that Su Yu would come.

"Doctor Huo, I am coming." Zeng Ru knocked on the door.

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