My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3411: Don't like people like me (20)

"Don't start business, let's go, let's go."

The waiter at the hot pot restaurant began to impatiently clear the field.

"The trough..." Lu Yan's temper is definitely the kind. Laozi comes to eat. Today, you open the open, and open it to me.

Lu Yan had not waited for his temper, and was stopped by Xiao An.

"You promised me not to fight..."

"I..." Lu Yan suddenly stopped.

"You wait, I will ask."

Xiao An then went up and said to the waiter, "I am the bodyguard of Su Ye. We are a frequent visitor here. What are you doing today? What do you mean?"

"Ah, I am really embarrassed, we really can't open."

"But I brought Su's customers to dinner. You do this, so that we are not happy, you bear the consequences?"

Xiao An will also blink and talk, and lifted Su Yu to scare the small waiters.

"You wait, sir, I let our manager tell you."

The waiter was a person of Su Ye and did not dare to offend. He only found out the manager.

After the manager came out, he recognized Xiao An at once.

"Mr. Xiao An, is Su Ye coming?"

“Su Ye asked me to bring customers to dinner.”

"But today, it is..." The manager seemed to stop talking.

"What happened in the end?" Xiao An frowned slightly, always felt that this store is not normal, there must be concealment.

"Let's tell you the truth, five minutes ago... We got a call from the boss and said that someone was out there and was not allowed to open today."

"Who, such a big tone?" Xiaoan was speechless.

"I don't know, the boss didn't reveal it."

"Well, it's not difficult for you."

Xiao An saw that the manager was not like a lie, turned and walked back.

"How do you say?" Lu Yan asked.

"It is said that someone is out there."

"Fuck, who packs, I give five times more price, and the package is good for me." Lu Yancai is rough.

"It is estimated that it is a friend of the boss. It may not be a question of money." Xiao An explained.

"What is he?"

"Let's go, change one."

"No, I will eat here, I will not give it to me today, I will smash his shop." Lu smoke does not hit a place.

"You promised that I wouldn't fight." Xiao An moved out of the spell again.

"Yes, but I didn't promise you to shop."

Lu Yan’s straightforward appearance makes Xiao’an instantly speechless.


"Less master, Miss smoke wants to shop, what should I do?" In the video, a man said anxiously.

"砸店? This house can make her." Qiao Fei was so angry and funny.

"Yes, what did the boss ask me to do?"

"You are like this...."

Joe did not know what to explain.

After three minutes

The lobby manager came out and glanced at Xiao An, and took another look at the land.

"Our boss said, agree with your request."

"Yes, can you go in and eat now?" Lu smoke proud.

"But only you are allowed to go in alone, Mr. Xiao An can't," the manager said.

"Why?" Lu Yan was dumbfounded again.

"I am not very clear about this specificity, our boss explained."

"Your boss is a stupid X. I am going to have dinner with my friends, let my friends wait outside, isn't it?" Lu Yan rolled up his sleeves and was ready to do a big job.

The vow that promised not to fight before was suddenly forgotten.

"Beauty, don't be excited, you should go in with me first, someone will see you."

"See you?"

"Lu Yan, don't go... dangerous." Xiaoan felt more and more that this hot pot restaurant was sneaky.

"Nothing, I am going in, I am afraid that they are dangerous. If you dare to lie to Laozi, I will razed your shop to the ground today."

The threat of the land side of the smoke, and swayed into the big swing, Xiao An was stopped outside the door.

"Who, who wants to see me?" Lu Yan did not patiently mutter.

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