My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3413: Tang's marriage proposal (2)

"Looking in the trough, Joe is not stinky." Lu Yan roared.

"Three seconds."

"Hey, didn't you give back five seconds?" Lu Yan was in a hurry.

"Little Master didn't have much time to talk to you, don't you say?"

"I..." Lu Yan left to look at the right, a group of hot pot restaurant waiters look at themselves, how do you say it?

But if you don't say it, according to Joe's abnormal temper, Xiao An is really going to die.

At this time, Lu Yan Ling machine moved.

Pointing at the group of waiters, "You, close your eyes and cover your ears."

Those waiters, look at me, I look at you, I don't know what the girl is, but since the managers are so polite, they don't dare to neglect.

Hurry up and close your eyes and cover your ears.

"And you." Lu Yan pointed to the manager who took the phone.

"Beauty, I just have to close my eyes, even if I don’t know what to expect, isn’t my hand holding the video for you?” said the manager.

"Then you will hear something, you can't pass it outside, or I will kill you."

"Yes, yes, never pass."

"Lu Yan, are you happy?" Joe is not impatient.

"Inside... Love you, love you, do you?" Lu Yan was somewhat under-resourced and his voice was not very big.

"volume is too low."

"Don't be too much, Joe is abnormal."

"It was originally that your voice was small, say it again, and loudly."

Lu Yan suffocated and finally yelled at the man in the video. "Love you, love you, I love you, I love you, love you."

"This is almost the same, you better give me the truth, keep a distance from the man, or I don't mind killing the city for you."

After that, not waiting for Luyan to talk, Joe did not immediately close the video.

"There is a big thing...what is the whole thing..."

The smoke of the land is dying, and the people have not opened their eyes before, and the land smoke has ran out.

"What situation, who wants to see you?" Xiao An immediately stepped forward.

"Amount, a neuropathy, don't take care of it." At the same time, Luyan also looked around for a circle and found that the sniper had disappeared, and then he let go of his heart.

"This shop is really strange. I will let our family Su Zeng come to clean them up. I will take you to other hot pots."

"Amount, don't, you send me back to Nanshan Castle, I am a little tired, I want to take a nap."

"But you haven't eaten yet, are you hungry?"

"Not hungry, not hungry, ha, it is sleepy."

"That line, then I will send you back."

Xiao An did not know that Lu Yan’s change was so fast. If he didn’t come out, he would say no.

And there is no shop, and I am going home.

After sending the land to go back, Xiao An did not trust, and drove to Lu Yan to buy her favorite lotus leaf powder package. Handed over to the security guard of Nanshan Castle.

Lu Yan stood in front of the window and looked at Xiao An, who was carrying lotus leaf powder. In fact, he was quite guilty.

"Don't like people like me, people like me... there is no future."

Su Yu was busy at the company, watching Xiaoan still not come back, he went out to drive the company's Mercedes.

Inside a luxury jewelry store

"Hello, sir, what do you need help with?"

"Inside, I want to buy a pair of shoes." Su Yu said.

"Sorry, we are all women's shoes here, men's shoes are downstairs." The shopping guide smiled enthusiastically.

"No, I just want to buy women's shoes, I will give them."

"Is it a girlfriend? What do you want? Let's take a look at it, then I will introduce it to you." When the shopping guide wants to give away, he will be enthusiastic again.

Su Yu was a little embarrassed to walk in, while walking and watching, the shoes on the shoes are full of high-quality women's shoes.

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