My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3423: Tang's marriage proposal (12)

"There is more work for the farmer. When my grandfather was young, I used to go to the countryside and work hard. Those rough jobs are really hurtful."

"No, if the identity of the other party is a rich woman, there is no need to work."

"There is only one possibility, play with a gun." Su Yu said that the wind is light.

"Well, I think so too."

"Do you mean land smoke?" Su Yu felt that Xiao An would not ask for no reason.


"The American guns are legal, and there are guns in every family. It's no strange. If people hold guns, just like us to test the driver's license, the exam can get a document." Su Yu did not agree.

"No, I always feel that Miss Lu Yan is not that simple."

Xiao An is not a fool. He has been in contact with Luyan for two days, although he can't see anything else.

However, the land smoke is clean and vicious, and the hands of the guns are always used. Intuitively, this woman is not simple.

But she was only in her early twenties, and where is the complexity complicated?

"What do you want to do with her? If I like a person, she will be like the isolated female devil in the world. If I don't like it, even if she is a cute angel, it is useless." Out of your own theory.

"That's right." Xiao An listened to Su Yu's words and seemed to be very useful.

Opened a can of beer and drank it, then stopped asking any questions.

I like Lu Yan, this is for sure, I can no longer question my own heart.

But he and Lu Yan... He didn't dare to think about it. On the speed of the fireworks, Xiaoan didn't dare to think about how much money this woman had.

Nanshan Castle, late at night

Lu Yan watched the two children sleep, turned over and over to sleep, so they turned over and dressed, ready to drive out and breathe.

But just walked to the second floor stairs, was stopped by Huo Mian.

"So late, where are you going?"

"Sister, have you not slept yet?"

"No, after I became pregnant, my sleep was much less... the child was moving." Huo Xiao whispered.

"Haha, it seems that my little nephew is a naughty boy."

"Don't talk about the topic, tell me, where are you going?"

"I... I can't sleep, I'm going to drive out for a ride."



"Because Dad called me and said, let me look at you and say that you always love to fight." Huo Mian said.

"Sister, I am not so passionate about people. Under normal circumstances, people don't commit me, I don't commit crimes." Lu Yan promised.

"Don't swear, you are a little girl, go out in the middle of the night, how can people not commit you? Urban security is good, but there are some rich second generations who love life, and some gangsters who see the thief heart, You have to go out and go out during the day."

"Emma, ​​sister, your thoughts, I am really drunk... Don't say domestic, just in Europe, I go out drinking in the middle of the night."

"So you always fight, even killing?" Huo Mian looked at Lu Yan.

Lu Yan licked his tongue and was silent.

"Smoke, killing too much will be sinful, you are still young, I don't want your hands covered with blood for a lifetime..."

"Sister, I am killing people just like you are saving people. It is my job. It has been like this for years. It won't be changed because you speak a few words. Don't persuade me, okay?"

"If you can come back, have a choice, I really hope that I am you, instead of living in your life." Huo Mian looked at Lu Yan with a distressed look.

"If you can come back, have a choice, I hope, I am still myself, then my sister can live a quiet and happy life."

Lu Yan’s words made Huo Mian’s tears rain...

"Sister, don't cry, pregnant women can't cry..." Lu Yan reached out with a distressed heart and wiped tears for Huoming.

"Smoke, go, sister is going out with you to stay up late, you go to drive my R8, the key is in the box at the garage door."

"Ah?" Lu Yan was dumbfounded, but he did not expect his sister to suddenly go out with him.

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