My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3436: Tang's marriage proposal (25)


The simple and rude question of Lu Yan made it difficult for Xiao An to digest.

"Grandpa, hurry, is it still?"

"Yes... I like you."

Being oppressed by the Queen of Land Smoke, Xiao An couldn’t stand it anymore.

Even the ability to think is not there, and the confession is directly revealed.

This is very different from the original plan in his heart. He also thought about the day when he took Lu smoke to go to a romantic place.

Then lay a good foreplay, and slowly confess, then maybe the chance is bigger.

I didn’t think of it at the door of the private room at the nightclub. In this atmosphere, it’s really...

"Then don't like me in the future, for two reasons. First, I have a boyfriend. Second, we are not all the way."

After that, Lu Yan turned away and Xiao An only felt that the pace was a bit heavy.

Everyone said so clearly, chasing people to keep up with, isn’t it a dead skin?

Although I feel that I am a stinky bodyguard, I still have to be dignified.

Therefore, Xiao An stood back at the door for a while and came back.

"Hey? Why are you coming back, are you not going out with Luyan?" Su Yu wondered.

"I... Miss Lu Yan does not like being followed."

"You can protect her when you go out. This big night, is it true that a girl in the nightclub is going downstairs and downstairs?" Su Yu thought it was simple.

"It's okay, we smoked her... I can protect myself, you don't have to worry." Huo Mian only prayed for the smoke and not to fight with others.

After explaining it to Xiao An, Lu Yan felt nothing.

She has experienced too many lives and deaths in these years, so this love and love entanglement seems to be nothing in her eyes.

When I went out, I accidentally saw a few men squatting at the door.


"How are you guys here?"

"Don't say to protect me..." Lu Yan wondered.

"No, we are looking for something, just thinking about whether you want to call you, you will come out, hey, it’s really a heart."

"There is a fart, I will go to eat a bunch of beer for a while."

Luyan thought about it. After a person ran out, he found a small shop on the side of the road. Then he ate some hot skewers and drank a cold beer. It was so cool.

Where do you know that these men are guarding the door like a small tail.

"Boss, there are too many people here. The news we report to you is very important. It is not convenient to talk here. Let me talk in the car."

The man under his finger pointed to a black nanny car not far away.

"It's best to be a big thing. If you have a trivial matter, you dare to bother me. I have married a few of you."

"Yes, yes, the boss is angry."

Several of his men seem to have become accustomed to the temper of smog.

She always said something particularly embarrassed, but in fact, her opponents are particularly good, never blamed them.

These people have also understood the routines of Luyan in these years, and they don’t know the generals.

Lu Yan was bored by the road and walked toward the black nanny car.

"Hey, you said, the boss will know the truth and not kill us."

"No, I think this is a surprise for the boss."

A few of his men sat behind him and looked at the back of Lu Yan, tangled.

After Lu Yan opened the door and sat in it, he did not wait for the reaction, and he was held by his face and kissed.

The cold temperature came from the lips, but there was also a familiar mint taste, which was very cool.

If it is normal, it is estimated that Luyan has already shot a gun and it is a **** hurricane...

But she knew she couldn't resist this familiar taste.

Joe is coming...

Yes, Joe is not coming.

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