My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3447: Lu Yan's ghost idea (six)

"I am going, you dare to compare with me. How much IQ do you have? Do you have a lot of heart? My IQ is brought out by my natural mother. I am on a horizontal line with my sister, even if I eat a lot of sweets. There will be you so stupid."

"Then I am stupid, are you still only willing to play with me?" Gao Boyuan continued to refute.

"Oh, oh yeah, it’s the opposite, actually learned to talk back... Gao Boyuan is good."

Looking at the children quarreling, Wei Ying suddenly felt very warm.

When she was a child, she also met Shen Mingxi. At that time, she also played hide and seek together.

However, Shen Mingxi did not like to talk when he was a child, and he did not live so high.

"Small aunt, this is for you."

Wei Yunchu turned back and handed over the roses around him.

"Wow, what do you mean?" Wei Ying laughed.

"Everyone has flowers today, you don't have them, have you been abused to wow?"

"No, your aunt, I am not invading, oh..." Wei Ying had never made a boyfriend after divorce.

And one's life is very fulfilling, and learned a lot, including tea ceremony, yoga or something.

So it doesn't feel very boring.

"Hold it, I bought a lot, the pudding also has it, this is for you, just be a filth to honor you."

"My family is at the beginning of the cloud, it's really a big warm man, but my aunt doesn't, it's okay, the rose is... no, it won't die, OK, let's play, I go to the bathroom."

Said, Wei Ying got up.

"In the beginning of the cloud, did your aunt have no boyfriend?"

"No, Grandpa often marries her, but she just doesn't look for it."

"I think she may still like her ex-husband." Pudding guessed.

"I think so too, but my dad strongly disagrees and does not let the aunt and Shen family have any contacts."


"Who knows about adult things, complicated... too lazy."

Wei Yunchu is not willing to ask too much about his little aunt.

Several children continue to play the game.

When Wei Ying came out of the bathroom, it just opened a gap in the door of the private room.

"Miss Wei Ying."

"What?" Wei Ying curiously looked at the waiter at the door.

"Can you come out, there is something to send you."


Wei Ying listened more strangely, watching others not noticed themselves, so he opened the door and went out.

The waiter handed a bouquet of roses, and there were 99 visual inspections.

It is the latest black dress on the market, beautiful, noble and mysterious.

"This..." Wei Ying suddenly had some words. She glanced at the waiter's face and said she didn't know her.

"This is the one from the 818 private room next door who asked me to give it to you."


"Mr. I don't want to reveal my name. Just let me give Miss Wei Ying in this private room."

The waiters here are very savvy and know the regulars.

Wei Ying often came out to play with her friends, so she recognized Wei Ying, so she just sneaked out her.

"Is that gentleman still in the private room now?"

"It should have not gone yet."

"Oh, then let me see."

Wei Ying can't wait, she seems to have thought about who the person is, but she is afraid.

So with a very excited mood, Wei Ying held the rose, so she rushed into the private room of 818.

Inside, a group of men and women, after seeing Wei Ying, first glimpse, and then immediately enthusiasm.

"Xiao Ying, you are here too, come, play together."

There are several friends familiar with Wei Ying. After seeing Wei Ying, they will come over to meet.

"Troublely ask, I am this flower... Who sent you?" Wei Ying glanced at her, and did not see the person she wanted to see, with a disappointment in her tone.

"Xiao Ying, flowers are what I sent." In the crowd, Ye Chaoyang stood up and walked toward Wei Ying.

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