My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3461: When you fall in love with your idol (10)

"Scratch... you will die, you..."

Su Yuqi’s crying and laughing.

"You are agreeing to this?" Seeing Su Yu did not say no, Tang Chuan music is enough.

"For the brothers, I am going out, but... do you want to pass the message?"

"Thatever anyone can, anyway, everyone has Ningning WeChat." Tang Chuan did not agree.

"No, you shouldn't underestimate this. Qin Ning is also very smart. If you can't do it, if you can't do it, then you will lose it."

"Alright... Who is it? I started interrupting puddings and diced beans."

"Forget it, if you have a child, how can you believe..."

"How about that little sleep?"

"I think Qin Chu is more suitable."

"Ah? I am a big brother... I... I can’t ask him..."

Because Qin Hu rarely talks with others except Huo Mian, Tang Chu has always been scrupulous about Qin Chu.

"Because Qin Chu has prestige and status, it has always been the respected brother of Qin Ning, so this play can be perfect."

"It makes sense, that is, then I will call my big brother for a while." Tang Chuan felt that Su Yu was right.

"Starting tonight?"

"Well, I will let people prepare the clothes for you at the time. We will see you in the evening."

"Dou Ding Pudding is not suggesting you to pack a luxury cruise ship?" Su Yuxiao asked.

"The marriage proposal is successful. When we get married, I am going to celebrate the day... I will be careful to kill you this single."

"roll roll roll……."

The two have been used to it for so many years. Tang Chuan grinded Su Yu for a while and finally settled it.

On the other side, Zeng Ruo returned to the provincial capital quietly and quietly.

After she went back, it seemed to have changed like a person, and she went out very carefully.

With a mask and a baseball cap, the style of dressing is not the same as usual.

Zeng Rou, who went back, did not go home immediately, but let the driver at home help her to send things back.

And she came to an inconspicuous tea house in the provincial city center.

At the door, I looked around and saw that there was no suspicious person. Zeng Rou went in.

"The big boss is waiting for you inside."

"Well." Zeng soft nodded to the bodyguard at the door.

Then I walked up the second floor, in the innermost private room on the second floor.

A gray-haired elder sits inside and drinks tea.

His eyes are sharper than ordinary people.

"The head."

"Sit down." The old man waved his hand and gestured to let Zeng Rou sit down.

"how about it?"

"A plan failed, and Su Yu is hard to get close. I still can't get his trust."

"Is there any doubts about him?" asked the old man.

"That's not there, but he doesn't feel like me, I can't go on the next step, so come back and ask for you."

"Is it in contact with the target person?"

"Touched, Huo Mian himself is very friendly, not as cold as the outside rumors, she is also very good to friends."

"Received the line report, her sister is also local, have you been in contact?"

"I have only seen it twice, not too much contact." Zeng Ruo recalled the number of contacts with Luyan.

"That is a very awkward gimmick, but fortunately, there is not too deep contact, or you will be in danger if you are identified."

"What do we do now? Heads."

"Continue to start from Su Yu, Qin Huo husband and wife relationship is particularly good, you have no way to start ... ... in their small group, most people have a partner, only Su Yu does not, and Su Yu and Huo Mian relationship is very good So, we still have to start from Su Yu, you must get Su Yu, and our number one target person, Huo Mian's trust."

"Yes, the head, then my uncle, he..."

"After this is done, I will ask the superiors, you are not safe."

"Okay, the head."

"After a while, I will send someone to make an incision, and then you will continue to return to Su Yu."

"it is good."

"The head, I still have a question."

"Ask." The old man slowly picked up the teacup.

"Since we are finally going to follow Professor Lu, then why not start with Luyan? As far as I know, Luyan seems to contact Professor Lu more frequently?"

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