My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3464: When you fall in love with your idol (13)

Qin Ning's forefoot just left, Lu Yan and Huo Mian quickly followed up with their twins.

When Huo Mian arrived, he saw Qin Ning being stopped at the front desk.

"Xunzi, you are coming, please ask my brother, in which room is the bastard?"

When Qin Ning’s words were spoken, the voice shook...

These are things that were completely unanticipated. Tang Chuan was single-minded with her.

Is it that the women who used to come back to entangle?

The more I want to be more worried...

"Your brother said... they went to the presidential suite..." Huo Mian deliberately looked dignified.

"What? Presidential Suite... Well, Tang Xiaochuan, look at this old lady who doesn't lick his skin..."

Qin Ning turned into a sly girl in a second, and she stretched her arms and prepared her sleeves.

Several people went to the top floor of the hotel together...

Qin Ning trotting all the way, when he arrived at the door, he found that the door was hidden...

She gently pushed the door open...

Then there are Tangchuan’s clothes, pants, shoes...

There are women's high heels, black stockings... white lace panties.

When I saw this, Qin Ning felt a little dizzy, and almost black in front of her eyes fainted.

The **** plot of the dog that is often seen on television and in novels is so unprepared for her.

She always thought that Tang Xiaochuan was a prodigal son.

did not expect……

Qin Ning Ninja tears step by step to the bedroom...

"You don't move... you make me hug..."

It is the voice of Tang Chuan.

Qin Ning couldn't help it anymore, kicking the door of the bedroom directly.

Scared Tang Chuan suddenly turned back...

The scene that Qin Ning saw was that Tang Chuan was on a woman's body.

Yes, why is it a woman, because the people under Tang Chuan have long wigs.

Also wearing a pink nightdress... The lower body is covered with the hotel quilt.

It’s really awkward and won...

Qin Ning felt that the sky would collapse.

The evidence is conclusive and I want to help him defend. There is no excuse.

"Ningning... How come you?" Tang Chuan asked with amazement.

The so-called is a full set of play.

"Tang really a bastard..."

After that, Qin Ning rushed up and grabbed his ear and dragged him off the bed.

“Hey? Hey? Don’t rub your ears, it hurts....”

"It's all light, I will pack you up later... I will kill this fox first..."

Qin Ning gas, but directly rushed over, slap in the face to prepare to call this woman with Tang Chuan.

But... the hand has not waited for it to fall, and it was stopped by people.

"Miss Qin Da, my men’s mercy..."

The "Fox" suddenly sat up, and it was still the voice of a man.

Qin Ning is taking a closer look, this person...not someone else, it is actually Su Yu.

"Oh my God... What's the situation, are you two big men perverted? What are you doing here?"

The amount of information is too large, and Qin Ning cannot digest it at one time.

Especially when watching Su Yu wearing a wig and wearing a nightdress, the whole world view must be subverted.

At this time, the lights of the entire presidential suite were dim.

Only a beam of light behind Qin Ning, she turned around in surprise.

I saw that Tang Xiaochuan didn't know when to put on a **** white bathrobe.

In his hand is a large bouquet of blue enchantress.

The music started to sound slowly throughout the room...

That is the song that Qin Ning often plays, "The Piano Piece of the Night"

Tang Chuan slowly walked to Qin Ning's side, a low-pitched opening. "Since I returned to China, I have been waiting for today..."

"Tang Xiaochuan... What are you doing?" The contrast is too big for Qin Ning to digest.

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