My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3466: When you fall in love with your idol (fifteen)

"Otherwise, I will not let go of your ghosts, good cut?"

"Roll... don't say such awkward words."

Qin Ning took a look at Tang Chuan, and Tang Chuan quickly slammed his lower body with his hands.

"Wife, you are not a tiger? Can you still be here? How can I give you **** in the future..."

"Tang Xiaochuan, you don't want to face...." Qin Ning is simply ashamed.

Everyone laughs, but it is too consistent with Tang’s funny temperament.

"So this is a successful marriage proposal?" Wei Liao also breathed a sigh of relief for the brothers.

"Yes, success, come, wife, bring."

Without any explanation, Tang Chuan took the diamond ring directly to Qin Ning.

"Hey, what is the proposal?"

"Wife, don't you take such a good job, I am not so much to marry you... I know you will promise, but I want to give you a different proposal, we are also fighting. Okay, our singer Shenwu’s Su Ye is wearing a women’s dress, and my big brother, then the decent person, for the first time helping to lie.”

"Brother, you turn your elbows out..." Qin Ning turned back and took a look at Qin Chu.

"Nothing, Xiaochuan is not an outsider, it is a family member." Qin Chu said with a smile.

"Look, you all have to look at it. I am a young talented entrepreneur. If you say something, there are many levels..."

"Well, Uncle Tang, you don't want to learn to flatter, hurry up, we are still waiting to celebrate." Douding grinned.

"Ningning, you see, everyone is hungry... You hurry up and give a reply." Tang Chuan urged Qin Ning.

"How do I feel that I have been set aside?" Qin Ning wondered.

"Even if it is a routine, it is a happy routine." Tang Chuan grinned.

"Go and have more words."

At this time, Su Yu came out of the bathroom with a handsome men's clothing.

"Rely, haven't got it yet? Don't you do it in Tangchuan? White has made me a heart..." Su Yu is not satisfied.

"Haha, Ningning, you see, for the sake of Su Ye’s contribution, you can’t bear to reject me?”

"Haha, Su Ye, you are a good woman... If you can't find a wife, you can find a husband." Qin Ning burst into laughter.

"You two are not good birds." Su Yu has a black line.

"Su Shuai, hug..." Douding did not see Su Yu for several days, and immediately ran past and spoiled.

Su Yu squatted down and held the Bean Ding in his arms.

Lu Yan was impatient and stepped forward. "Miss Qin Ning, are you willing to marry Tang Chuan as a wife, regardless of poverty and disease?"

"I..." Qin Ning has not waited to speak.

Lu Yan went on to say, "Okay, I understand, you are willing, let go."

Then she went to Tang Chuan and had not waited for an opening.

Tang Chuan said anxiously, "I am willing, I am willing."

"Look at your aunt's urgency. It's really stunned by happiness. Well, everyone can safely go to eat and go to the skin..."

"Walk..." After that, Tang Chuan hit Qin Qin and hugged it, and then kissed her face.

"What are you doing..." Qin Ning is a little uncomfortable to show love in front of so many people, so it is very embarrassing.

"Afraid of what, tomorrow we will go to the card, get married a month later, and then have a baby." Tang Chuan proudly said.

"If you do it, you can stop it. After a while, the child will go to elementary school..."

"Why, you oh, you oh yeah, you are also okay?" Tang Chuan teased Su Yu.

"I am with you?"

"No, you just pick one on the street, who you are, who you are, how exciting."


Then the group went to the enchanted fox, and even ate and drank, ready to mink overnight.

Just when everyone was busy celebrating, Lu smoke received a message and quietly went downstairs.

On the way to Xiao Angang, I bought a baked sweet potato in my arms and intended to give it to Luyan. I have never had a chance.

Seeing that she went out alone, she also went out.

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