My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3469: When you fall in love with your idol (18)

When I heard this man's boss know, Lu Yan's men also put down their pistols.

Xiao An slowly came out from the dark.

He looked at Lu Yan’s eyes and was extremely complicated.


"I know you have been following me."

"Then why didn't you dismantle me?" Xiaoan lowered his head and had some guilty conscience.

"Some things make you see clearly."

"That... will you kill people?" Xiaoan felt that he had seen the whole process of killing people.

So does it mean that it has already been placed in a dangerous place, will Lu smoke deal with itself?

"You think more, I kill people just like you are casual, simple, so I am not afraid of you saying it, and destroying it... First, if you call the police, the police here can't catch me, I am a third party. Nationality, second, there is no police that can catch me, even if you are a special soldier."

The words of Lu Yan seem to be a bit blunt, and the girl in her early twenties is actually mad.

"You... why do you want to kill?" Xiao An lingered for a long time, before I wanted to ask about the identity of Luyan.

"Because this is my profession, I have to make money to eat and live."

"You are a killer?" Xiao An seems to have guessed the occupation of Luyan.

"Killer? No, not so LOW." Lu Yan shook his head and smiled.

"Some of you go out first."

Lu Yan looked at his men.


Several men dragged the dead body and then left.

Leave a space for Xiao An and Lu Yan to talk.

"Lu Yan, what is your identity?"

Seeing that everyone else is gone, Xiao An does not simply bend the corner.

"Xiao'an, do you know the mercenaries?"

"Mercury?" Xiao'an heart jerked a bit, then nodded.

"I know that I have heard of some mercenary legends in the army."

"Do you know the leader of the mercenary community?"

Xiao An hesitated for a moment, slowly said, "I heard that the strongest mercenary is the second lady. Five years ago, it was said that Miss Xi, who graduated from West Point, just entered this circle, swept the predecessors of the mercenary community and re-integrated the rest. The scattered sand, the establishment of a new mercenary group."

"Oh, I know a lot." Lu Yan smiled.

"I used to study these things in the army, and I especially liked the good people, especially the close combat. I heard that the second lady, who is the king of mercenaries, was at the West Point."

Xiao An talked about his idol, his eyes were full of sparkling brilliance, even he himself did not notice.

"Then you know... What is the name of Miss II?" Lu Yan looked at him, and opened his mouth.

Xiao An did not answer, but there seems to be any answer in my heart to be called out...

"So... I will tell you today... Miss Two has another name called Lu Yan."

She finished speaking word by word, then patted Xiao An’s shoulder and turned away.

Xiao An is completely in the same place, just like stupid...

This amount of information seems to have been digested without going into it...

There is only one thought left in his brain, that is, the words that have just appeared.

Miss Two is Luyan - Miss Two is Luyan.

After Luyan came out, the people under him were busy coming over.

"Boss, the body has been melted by chemical potions, there is no clue... But this kid's words are really credible? Is the emperor really dare to follow us?"

"It is not impossible. Seeing his last expression should not be a lie. You should check the IP address of the account that gave him money and track it."


Lu Yan turned to the other and said to the other, "You go to find someone to continue to pretend to be this guy, say that you want to deliver, about to see them at the dock, and see no one to live."

"Yes, boss."

At this time, suddenly someone asked, "Boss, the guy inside is going to kill? Is he... know too much?"

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