My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3474: Dr. Huo’s female bodyguard (3)

Qin Chu: ...

"What is your expression?"

"Speaking really, how do you think of such an ugly name?" Qin Chu asked Qin Ning seriously.

"Amount..." Qin Ning looked awkward.

"You are better off saying that Qin beast..."

"Ha ha ha ha ... how can I hang my little sister." Qin Ning burst into laughter.

On the other side, Zhu Lingling’s mysterious secret is holding Hun Mian’s hand.

"Small sleep, come over."

"Why, what about a spy?" Huo Mian laughed.

"Come and come, trick together."

"What are you plotting?"

"Tomorrow Han Xu, the bastard, I am going to marry, the grandson... I haven’t seen anyone in the past 800 years... Now I’m married, I know that we’re thinking of our classmates, you said that he’s shameless, we’re all back If you are a group, you can force us back. This disgusting thing will be done by him."

"Forget it, are you married, aren't people also gifted with gifts?"

"Where, when I mentioned this, I was even more angry... When I was married to Gao Ran, he didn't come. I dragged people to give me a 300-dollar red envelope, only 300. What is the concept? There are more than 300 rice, originally, there is nothing wrong with it. After all, my relationship with the kid is not so good. It is spent 200, and I didn’t say it. It’s a big deal. This time, he gave me 300, and the ceremony is still, but... this time. Say gold, look at the way he plays..."

"This time is a, I grew up so big that I heard that the harvest received gold." Huo Mian helped the forehead.

"Where is he doing a bit of work, this is quite dead... You said that I am going to buy 300 yuan of gold to go to the ceremony now. Isn’t this intentionally plunging us money? Although we are not bad now. But, no matter who the money is not from the wind, I always feel that this time being taken seriously, or else, don’t go tomorrow."

"I feel that if he doesn't go, he will definitely not give up, and he will not be able to scream moths in the group at the time." Huo Mian said.

"Then go back to the group, then don't add it, don't use it."

"But I responded that day. If I don't go, isn't it a food message?" Huo Mian felt that doing this was a bit unreasonable.

"Your sly eyes are really good, and what kind of people think about what kind of words do not say anything, go to his mother's egg."

Zhu Lingling also drank some wine, so mentioning these, unusual excitement.

"You talk about the rotten garlic in our high school, there is a head, no good bird, of course, you and Qin Chu, ha."

"Okay, you can." Huo Mian smiled.

"Wei Dong heard that he was not dealing with Han Xu. The kid was a villain. He had a set of face-to-face, and the whole one was smiling. When he climbed the high branch, he gave his girlfriend who had been suffering for many years. Really, he is so worried..."

"Ronghua wealthy lost his eyes." Huo Mian commented.

"Hey, you said... or else, I bought him a transfer bead. I saw that there was a sale in the store, just a red rope and a bead, three or four hundred." Zhu Lingling had a whim.

"Haha, Mrs. Secretary, do this, is it really good?" Huo Mian laughed.

"What's wrong, I buy two directly, and I will send one by one."

"No, no, my side, Qin Chu means, how much to send a little, don't be too shabby, after all, there is still media on the spot, let's not face, but also care about her husband?"

Huo Mian persuaded Zhu Lingling.

"You are too kind. When Ning Zhiyuan got married, where did you spend 200?" Zhu Lingling felt that Huo Mian was too tolerant this time, against Han Xu.

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