My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3497: Heart (1)

"I am not surprised by surprise?" Lu Yan smiled at Qiao Nan.

"Lu Yan, you are really... getting better and better." Qiao Nanqiang squeezed a smile, but it was ugly than crying.

"You don't think I will let you go."

"Of course I didn't think so, but what if you shut me down? You don't dare to kill me..."

Jonan smiled proudly.

"Why can't you kill you?" Lu Yanzui was carrying a dog's tail grass that didn't know where to come. His eyes were smiling.

"Because you want to be with my brother Joe Fei, you can't kill me. If my father knows... you and Joe are never together, unless you are just playing with him."

"What is your **** logic? Oh, now I caught you, you are scared, knowing that you and Joe are brothers? What have you done to him before? What is it? You incite Amy What kind of medicine is in his coffee? What do you mean? You always say that someone else is not a good brother, then you are a good brother? Why do you think that the world can do swearing, others are sorry for you? Well, you are so a bastard, does your father know?"

Lu Yan rarely swears so many words, but this scum of Jonan is really irritating her, this time.

"If you know the poison, you know, if you know, it's better to entertain me. Otherwise, be careful not to get the antidote. Joe is wearing a stomach."

"You silly X still don't know if the drug Joe didn't eat it at all?"

"What? He didn't eat?" Joanna was a little shocked.

"Do you think he is as stupid as you? Tell you that those medicines have been eaten by Amy."

"This..." Joanna apparently didn't know what was going on. I don't know if Amy was deliberate. The words are unintentional.

"Everything you do smartly, you don't know, it's within our control."

"Oh, I finally know why Joe Fei likes you?" Qiao Nan smiled coldly.

Lu Yan did not speak, just looked at him.

"My heart is a brother, ah, on the surface, I don’t want to grab it, I am not interested in anything, and the family business is not taken care of. But in fact, I have planned all this in my heart. You are such a capable wife, whoever is jealous. A competent assistant, you must think that he really loves you, then you are too naive... He loves only himself."

Joanna’s voice just fell, and Lu Yan slaps and slaps.

"It’s all this time, do you still want to provoke dissension? I don’t allow you to say that Joe is a bad word. If you don’t understand him, you will try to be malicious. You are being smothered by rights and money. , Jonan... You are such a person, living in this world for a day, really polluting the earth."

"You shut me like this, do you think you can sit back and relax? Bangkok is so big, there must be someone to save me."

Joanna seems quite confident.

"Yes, then wait and see, who can save people in my hands?"

"But if you catch me, should it be another purpose?" Joanna turned his head and Lu Yan would not catch him for no reason.

If you want to kill him, you won't wait until now.

"You still have a little bit of aura in your pig brain..."

Lu Yan got up casually.

Joanna looked at the woman in front of her, a woman who made many organizations stunned.

"I want to know who you are working with? Besides Ian, who else can't wait to catch me?"

"Do you know?" Joanna had some surprises.

"What do you think?" Lu Yan cold-hooked his mouth.

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