My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3509: Who is behind Huo Wei? (Eight)

"Qin Chu, you are two people like this, okay?" Su Yuhan Yan.

"I listen to my wife." Qin Chu answered very happy.

Suddenly, Lei Yu and Xiao An...

"I can't take care of it and eat a dog food." Su Yu spit.

Han Yueyao sat on the side, watching Su Yu Qin Chu Huo Mian three people are not embarrassed.

It’s quite unexpected to have such a joke.

"Okay, no trouble, I want to say something right." Su Yu went straight to the pig's head.

"Doctor Huo, please tell." Su Yu took a sip of beer.

"Yao Yao has not been looking for a job since she graduated, so I think that your Star Emperor is also a trainee anyway. It is better to take a back door and receive it directly. Of course, our hardware conditions are not bad. Graduated from the Dance Academy, very professional. The appearance is also very good, Su Ye, you must give me this face."

"What? Female bandit, you are, don't give me a face, cut me?" Su Yule.

"Okay, no, really."

Su Yu listened and looked up and looked at Han Yueyao.

She really isn't the kind of whole out. I know the outline of the facial features, big eyes, white and clean, and the skin is good.

"Graduate the dance school?" Su Yu asked her.


"How big?"

"25." Han Yueyao rushed to answer.

"What dance?"

"National dance."

"Oh...." Su Yu nodded.

"Do you want me to jump for a while?" Han Yueyao is afraid that Su Yu does not believe in himself. After all, the diploma can not be carried with him, so please take the initiative.

"No need to use." Su Yu swings his hand.

Han Yueyao looked at Huo Mian in the bottom of his heart, but Huo Mian’s face was very calm.

"Why graduated from the Dance Academy, how good is it, why not be a dance teacher, or open a dance studio or something, why do you need to enter the entertainment circle? Why can't you think about it?"

Su Yu suddenly felt such a sentence...

Han Yueyao was slightly surprised.

I have long heard that the entertainment industry is a big dye tank, but why do so many parents go forward and send the children in?

Even at the cost of training?

Still not for the name and benefit?

The current national situation is that if a star is red, it will earn more money than scientists.

The endorsement fee is tens of millions, which is the number that people can't earn in their lifetime.

It’s just that this is said from Su Yu’s mouth. It’s quite strange.

Of course, Su Yu is kind. He really thought that Han Yueyao was a relative of Huo Mian's family, so he said so.

Huo Mian was afraid of the stuffing, and immediately explained, "When the actor is Yao Yao's dream, it has nothing to do with money fame and fortune. Besides, it is because of the hidden rules and the like, so I will send you your eyes. You can help me take care of it. , Su’s relatives, who dares to dive? Is it?”

"This article is for me, Huo Mian, you are really able to withstand the big." Su Yu is obviously in a good mood.

Holding a glass of wine, I took a look at Qin Chu.

"Okay, since your relatives, then I am an exception, but I said that the front is ugly, I will not hold on to her, at least not now. She enters the company as a trainee, what she will learn later, see her. If she doesn't have acting, she won't blame me for not giving her notice."

"Cheng, no problem." Huo Mian thought, originally Su Aunt did not intend to let Han Yueyao debut, saying that acting is too far away.

People are to be the daughter-in-law of the Su family.

"Thank you Su Yuge." Listening to Su Yu said, Han Yueyao is also very happy.

"Then our company has food and shelter? Where do I live tonight?" Han Yueyao asked with big eyes.

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