My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3542: Masked devil (1)

Huo Mian lowered his head and snorted, picked up Zengrou’s mobile phone and quickly opened the map.

Then zoom out and see the route ahead.

"The mountain road here is rugged, but it is quite regular. Every time after three small bends, there must be a big bend. I look at the distance between them. The gap between the small bends is about 120. Meters, three hundred meters between the big bend and the small bend."

"Scratch... it’s amazing, my doctor, Huo."

For the first time, Zeng Rou looked at Huo Mian with such appreciation.

I haven’t had deep contact before, only I heard that this woman is very smart.

This time, Zeng Rucai had to look at it.

"You open it, I will remind you."

"You might as well open the navigation reminder." Zeng Rou suggested.

"No, it's too slow, it's too late... just open it, don't be afraid."

I used to be such a magical conversation.

After being scared, the two sisters brought by Zeng Roo were afraid to come out.

Where is this driving out on foot, this is clearly speed and passion.

Driving so fast on the mountain road, is it not determined to die?

"We are so dangerous to drive so fast, they are speeding..." A girl whispered in the back row.

"If we are caught up, it will be even more tragic. Where can we still speed over?"

Hung Mian a word, scared the two girls did not dare to boo.

But they also know that this pregnant woman is a friend of Zeng Rou, otherwise Zeng Rou will not be so obedient.

"Idiot, hurry up, chase..."

In the police car, the policeman who took the lead, could not do it.

But I saw the car in front of it running farther and farther.

"No, head, we are in danger soon, the sky is so dark, the road is so bad, we are playing for life."

"Ha ha ha, it really opened the distance."

According to the reminder of Huo Mian, after running for a while, I found that the police behind me would be far away.

"You can't take it lightly, they are still chasing after him." Huo Mian said calmly.

"Hom Sleep, help me put the steering wheel."

After that, Zeng soft released the steering wheel and picked up the phone and made a call.

"Uncle Zhao, I am Zeng Rou. I am in danger now. You are going to find someone to pick me up. My current position is... On the road more than 20 miles away from the town, the next stop is Liuyanghe Town. I hope that I will see the people who will meet us there."

After that, Zeng Roo hung up the phone.

Looking at the incomprehensible eyes of Huo Mian, Zeng said with a smile.

"This person is my dad's secretary, rest assured."


When their car arrived in Liuyanghe Town, far away, Huo Mian saw the car of Qin Chu.

After the car stopped, she rushed over.

A flutter into the Qin Chu Huaizhong.

"The original Qin is here." Zeng Luo smiled.

"Thank you." Qin Chu glanced at Zeng Rou and thanked him.

"You're welcome, I can be happy, I am very happy."

"Zeng Rou, we can't stay here, let's go."

"You go first, those people seem to be catching you, you go first, I stay here to delay the time."

"That won't work, it's too dangerous." Huo Mian shook his head.

"It's okay, my dad's secretary has arranged it. Someone will come to help us, and my identity is here. Those dead policemen won't take me."

Zeng Rou is bent on being a hero.

Huo Mian knows that those who want to catch her are her.

Therefore, although my heart was upset, I could still follow the Qin Chu car and the couple left.

"Xiaorou, who is pregnant, her husband is so handsome..." The female companion around her has a flower idiot.

"She...but a legend, don't ask so much."

After attending the car of Qin Chu, Huo Mian was relieved a lot.

"When did you meet with Zeng Rou? How could she appear here at this festival so coincidentally?" Qin Chu asked calmly.

"Husband, do you doubt her?" Huo Mian heard the mistrust in Qin Daren's words.

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