My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3582: Hugh's birthday wishes (1)

"What do you say?" Su Yu felt that this woman's statement was simply unbelievable.

"I said it was not a work-related injury, if she scratched me."

"What joke are you doing?" Su Yu's white Han Hanyao glanced.

"If you don't say it, then I will go back now."

"Hey, you give me back." Seeing that Han Yueyao is leaving, Su Yu is also anxious.

"Then you said, is it counted?"

"Forget it, if she scratched you, I immediately asked someone to vaccinate you, okay?"

“There will be a fee for nutrition and mental damage.”

"How do you simply not grab it?" Su Yu gas is broken.

"I am not going to jail, so I have to negotiate with you." Han Yueyao said a serious.

"Han Yueyao, I tell you, I don't dare to say anything about Su Yu, but I have enough money to kill you, so I want to compensate you, I promise."

"Well, if you have this sentence, I will be relieved."

"I found that you woman loves money."

"Yeah, who doesn't love money, money can satisfy everything."

"So... If the money is in place, what do you do for you?" Su Yu looked at Han Yueyao contemptuously.

He didn't really understand this girl very much. The only time he had a deep contact was to start eating with Huo Mian Qin Chu.

The rest is that the two called or sent WeChat, and that time he appeared in the trainee.

It also triggered other trainees' siege of Han Yueyao.

"Whatever you say, anyway... I will work hard to make money."

Very unexpectedly, Han Yueyao was not angry with Su Yu’s humiliating topic.

There is no such thing as a virgin woman, what do you think you have money and so on.

She was very calm, and then she walked into the hospital on her own initiative.

"Which ward does she live in?" Han Yueyao turned back and asked Su Yu.

"Orthopaedic VIP ward." Su Yu's face is black.

Still a little angry about the fact that Han Yueyao had just blackmailed him. He even thought about whether or not to talk to Huo Mian about her character as a distant relative.

"When that will go in, are we empty?"

"Otherwise?" Su Yu slammed his head.

"Is it not necessary to bring something to the patient?"

"I sent someone to buy it yesterday." Su Yu said.

"Yesterday is yesterday, today is today, I think... you still give a red envelope. The patient will receive a red envelope and will be happy soon."

"Red envelope? She won't care, she doesn't love money like you, she is rich."

Su Yu stressed...

He seems to be like a child who wants to retaliate, that is, Han Yueyao.

Only he ignored the injury that Han Yueyao’s eyes flashed.

She has no money... She really has no money and lives in a civilian family, so she has to work hard to make money and travel with her parents.

"If you don't pack it, I don't understand the world of your local tyrants."

Han Yueyao saw that Su Yu did not care about the red envelopes, and did not entangle.

The two walked to the door of the ward in tandem.

Han Yueyao just wanted to knock on the door, and Su Yu walked over with a big stepping star and grabbed Han Yueyao's shoulder.


"Reassure, I am not eating your tofu, I have said that it is acting. I will give you compensation when I come out."

After that, not waiting for Han Yueyao to speak, Su Yu knocked on the door and pushed the door and went in.

"You are finally willing to come to see me..." Zeng Rou saw Su Yu coming in, and the happiness was broken.

Just sitting up and excited, I saw a little girl in Su Yuhuai, suddenly sinking her face again.

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