My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3600: Hugh's birthday wishes (19)

"Well." Su Xiaoxiao nodded.

Wei Ying’s heart began to entangle.

Originally, I felt that I no longer had an intersection with Shen Mingxi.

His brother Wei Liao strongly opposes this is the second.

This time, after Huo Wei’s mental illness came back, even the scorpion Jiang Xiaowei persuaded Wei Ying to give up.

So the two haven't seen each other for a long time.

During the period, Shen Mingxi sent Wei Wei several WeChat.

However, Wei Ying did not return, and occasionally returned one, the tone is not salty or light.

Shen Mingxi is so smart, can't you see what it means?

Later, after another week or so, the two had no contact.

Wei Ying feels that between them may be really difficult to continue the front...

Just as Ye Chaoyang was chasing after him, she and her friends came out to play with Ye Gongzi.

Unexpectedly, Su Xiaoxiao actually told her that Shen Mingxi was waiting downstairs, which made Wei Ying’s determined determination to shake again.

"Wei Ying sister, you seem to be... very tangled."

"Between us... not so simple." Wei Ying whispered.

"Wei Ying sister, I think... like a person, you should say it out loud. If for some reason you are squatting and then missed it, you will regret it when you are old. There is no regret in the world. The taste of regret is also very uncomfortable, so I don't know what is the reason between you. If you like him, give me a chance... otherwise the two people who love each other will miss it..."

Su Xiaoxiao is still young. The so-called newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. What he says is like an adventurous child.

However, Wei Ying did listen to it.

"I..." Wei Ying supported me for a long time, and did not know what to say.

"Your own things are decided by yourself. I sing with my friends and talk back."

Su Xiao's novels got up and left.

Wei Ying clenched her fists and finally made up her mind to get up and pick up the bag and go away.

"Xiao Ying... Where are you going?" Ye Chaoyang immediately followed.

"I went out to breathe, some stuffy."

"I am with you..."

"No, I want to be alone."

After that, Wei Ying got up and left.

Ye Chaoyang’s eyes are gradually complicated...

"Ye Shao, haven't you caught up with Miss Wei Da?" Someone was deliberately squatting.

"Yeah, Ye Shao, Wei Ying is not a virgin, have married a person who has been married... As for this difficult to get it, are you not zooming in?"

"All he shuts up."

Ye Chaoyang didn’t know what happened, and suddenly it was not very good.

After swearing, everyone looked really angry and didn't dare to continue to ridicule.

When Wei Ying went downstairs, she saw that Shen Mingxi was still on the side of the road.

Stopped next to it was a black Porsche Cayenne he often opened.

Shen Mingxi’s hand is still holding cigarettes, and there are already five or six cigarette butts under his feet.

Seeing this, Wei Ying’s heart twitched.

She took a deep breath and pretended to walk away without knowing it.

"Ming Xie, how are you here?"

"I...oh, come with business partners... they just left, are you here too?"

Obviously, Shen Mingxi knew that Wei Ying was here.

"Well." Wei Ying nodded.

“It’s not cold, how is it worn so little?”

I saw Wei Ying wearing only a short-sleeved dress in the middle of the night.

Shen Mingxi took off his black and white baseball uniform and put it on Wei Ying.

Then the two fell silent again...



"You first say..." Shen Mingxi smiled and smiled a little tired.

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