My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3977: Hiberian's own choice (6)

Throughout the city, the Buddha became gloomy because of the disappearance of Su Yu.

The C city is cloudy for a few days, but it doesn't snow. The dull feeling makes people look irritated.

It is difficult to have a good mood in one day.

The most talked about in the group is to share the new progress of looking for Su Yu every day.

Wei Liao Tang Chuan almost put down all the business at hand, just to find Su Yu.

Gao Ran is also in the city bureau, using his own rights, trying to find a breakthrough.

Qin Chu even contacted Rick and used some foreign videos to see if he could find out.

"Yes, this time has not yet. If I find it, I will tell you the first time... I understand that money is not a problem, I will do whatever it takes, rest assured, I know how important he is to you. ”

Rick fluent English talked with Qin Chu.

After hanging up the phone, Rick turned to look at the land smoke.

"You are talking to my brother-in-law?" Lu Yan smiled.

"You know, this is not going to be a bug in my phone?" Rick blushes.

Lu Yan’s face was contemptuous. “Please, I am not so LOW. Isn’t it a good guess? You seem to be so many years, only my brother-in-law is such a friend.”

Rick: ...

It’s the turn of Rick’s turn, and the sharpness of Luyan’s reputation is really well-deserved.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, let's talk about our cooperation."

Rick opened the topic and did not realize that there was any intersection between Su Yu and Lu Yan, so he did not tell Lu Yan about it.

Lu Yan promised to accept this order, a large part because of the face of the brother-in-law.

Otherwise, it is really one billion that I don't want to earn, because she hates to see Casillas the bastard.

"Casillas, the most fear is that it is said to be you." Immediately looked up and looked at the smoke that was applying lipstick to the small mirror.

"Right, continue..."

"Caslias is in Colombia recently, because I am involved in my partner, so I am also helpless... This time, I am afraid you still need to run for yourself."

"No way, you can transfer the rest of the money to my Swiss account."

"Don't it be after the end, give it?" Rick Khan dripped.

"What kind of jokes? I am collecting money first... I have the motivation to see the money... otherwise I really don't want to see the dead metamorphosis."

Luyan makeup is finished, and the Chanel lipstick is placed in the carry-on bag.

"There is no problem with money. I will turn now. When are you going to Colombia?"

Lu Yan looked down at the watch; "After half an hour, I will sit on my private jet, but I will say it first... If I used any extreme means, don't blame me for leaving me a mess." ”

"For example...?" Rick seemed to have no bottom.

"For example, when you killed the perverted cockroach, you accidentally killed your partner."

Rick: ...

"Ms. Lu Yan..."

"I am not married yet, please call me Queen of the Land Smoke."

Rick: ...

"I know that you are a bomb genius, but can you not use a bomb this time, I am afraid of hurting my goods." Rick is also overwhelmed.

If I couldn’t safely transport the goods back, I really didn’t want to deal with the land.

Lu Yan is a person... It’s really not easy to get along with.

Rick suddenly felt that his wife, Sisi really is gentle and virtuous.

The example of a typical Chinese woman... Who cares about falling in love with Lu Yan, is this more worrying?

"Are you mentally sneaking me?" Seeing that Rick did not speak for a long time, Luyan guessed that his inner world was rich.


"Nothing, oh, I don't mind, but if you go on nonsense with me and delay my dinner, I might add an extra $100 million."

Rick: ...

"I think you really shouldn't be a mercenary. You should go straight to the bandits." Rick commented on the land-based smoke, which is quite impressive.

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