My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 4199: Qin Chu's crazy move (eight)

"Don't be a brother, we have a boy in my family."

Obviously, Gao Bo does not like his brother, only a sister.

"Would it be true to have a younger brother?" Gao Ran came to interest and continued to tease his son.

"Then I had to throw him into the pit."

Gao Ran: ...

Zhu Lingling: ...

"Then I see, don't be born, just one of you." Gao Ran laughed.

"You don't quarrel, Bean Ding told me that if a child grows up in a quarreling atmosphere, his character will be very violent. You don't want to become a grumpy man when you grow up?"

Zhu Lingling: ...

Gao Ran: The son is right.

"No, these are all things that Bean Ding told me. They are all good words. You both ponder and ponder."

The tone of Gao Bo’s little adult has eased a lot of atmosphere and is not as nervous as it was just now.

Watching Mom and Dad don't talk, Gao Boyuan asked, "I have a urine, who can accompany me to the bathroom now?"

Zhu Lingling secretly wiped her tears and picked up her son and went straight to the bathroom.

Gao Boyuan is saving his father...

But Gao Ran is still very heavy, and the mobile phone group has been watching the latest developments from colleagues.

The two children still couldn’t find it. Did the parents and the kindergarten not receive a call for ransom?

In this case, the situation seems even worse...

Gao Ran picked up the phone and sent a few voices to Qin Chu with WeChat. I roughly said about it.

Gao Ran also specifically stressed, "Achu, you are sure that Jingde is dead, isn't it? Will not die and resurrect? How do I feel that this modus opera is very similar to him?"

After a while, Qin Chu replied with a string of words - Jingde was killed by my own hands, and the body had been burned and turned into ashes.

Gao Ran believes that Qin Chu’s ability to do things is not like a person who is not so reliable.

However, since Jingde is dead, who made these lost children?

Really dead...

The city of C, which is a hundred years old, has been plagued by people who have been in trouble recently.

It is a trivial matter to give pressure to the leader. The key child is gone. The parents’ feelings are high. I know that I am also a father. So I have to work overtime to find out what the clues are. It is a pity that nothing is obtained, just like a fairy crime, leaving no evidence.

Nanshan Castle

Qin Chu in the study, watching the WeChat sent to himself, the heart has actually started to doubt.

Jingde is dead, this is the truth.

Then... now only one person is the most suspicious, that is, the woman at home now.

She has plenty of time and a perfect time for committing crimes. It is just... What is she and Jingde’s non-stop child abuse?

Qin Chu did not ask at the time, but Jingde is indeed a monster, draining the blood of those children, so there are rumors of vampires.

Can you say that this woman is also her...

Qin Chu Yue thought more and more chaotic, then opened the door and went downstairs.

Huo Jin just came back from the outside, holding a delicate food box in his hand.

"Mummy is back?" Doudou shouted very closely.

The pudding just glanced at her and didn't open her mouth.

"When I went out for a walk and saw the new cakes from Wan He Zhai, I bought some back. It was very interesting. I could choose the ingredients myself, and then let them process and eat them with confidence."

"Wow, there are delicious cockroaches, thank you Mommy."

Bean Ding snack goods, did not dare to three seven twenty-one, took over the food box to open, which really is a colorful pastry.

"Sister, come and eat together." Doudou shouted at the pudding.

"Mummy... I have something to discuss with you." Pudding looked at Huo Mian, the weak opening.

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