My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 4201: Qin Chu's crazy move (10)


The pudding quickly turned and ran, ran upstairs and hugged Qin Chu's thigh directly.

"Husband... You listen to me, I didn't mean it...."

When Huo Mian’s words were not finished, Qin Chu picked up the pudding and went straight back to the study.

The Bean Ding was scared to drop the pastry and followed it up...

Several servants were scattered and did not dare to stay in the living room.

In the study

Qin Chu found a first aid kit, applied the pudding to the medicine, and then applied ice.

The child is small, a slap in the face, and the little face is swollen.

Qin Chu can't help.

"Hey, I'm fine, I don't hurt."

"Dog dogs can raise, and tomorrow, I will go back to you with Golden Retriever, buy a kennel for it, buy dog ​​food."

"That Mommy...."

"Don't worry about it."

Pudding did not dare to speak after listening.

After Qin Chu handled the child's wound, he married two children.

"You two stayed in the study, I went down to talk to her."

"Hey, don't quarrel, our family wants to be harmonious." Douding pulled the handcuffs.

"Well, I know you."

When Qin Chu went downstairs, Huo Mian was still sitting on the sofa, and still holding the mobile phone to brush the news, it seems that she did not care about the pudding injury.

Looking at Qin Chu down, she just panicked and put away the phone.

"How is your husband, pudding?"

"It's okay, I have already treated her with a wound. The pudding is small. After all, it is a child. It is inevitable to play a small temper, but if you are a mother, how can you start so vicious?"

"Husband, I really didn't mean it. I was anxious at the time, and my nails were long and I was accidentally scratched. I have already cut it. Look."

Huo Mian raised her finger, and indeed the long nails are gone. She didn't want to cause Qin Chu's suspicion, so the bitter drama continued.

The two little devils, she did not look good, this time, but also take the opportunity to discipline.

Especially the pudding, it seems to have a bit of a sense of opposition to her recently, so although I am sorry, I am sorry.

But in my heart, Laila feels very enjoyable.

"You never used to be like this to our daughter?" Qin Chu looked at her, one word at a time.

"Then you wouldn't have been so cold in the past... Don't say it before." Huo Mian argued.

"But the child is also your child." Qin Chu deliberately said this, do not want the other party to see that he has seen the flaws.

"I know, I am also educating, raising a dog or something, it doesn't make sense."

"But I agree, the dog must be raised, it is your compensation for your daughter, and... in the future... you are not allowed to move the pudding and pudding, otherwise... I am not you."

Qin Chu was really angry, but he did not beat her.

Although he thought very much, he felt that playing at home had a bad influence.

The maids must have thought that he was a domestic violence who loved to beat his wife. Qin Chu was so smart that he did not want to be caught.

And Laila thought that this was the case...

Regarding Qin Chu’s warning, she almost did not go to her heart.

After Qin Chu finished his temper, he drove with his twins and said that he was eating late at night.

Laila did not think much, and was comfortable playing a mobile phone at home.

However, there is a problem in front of her that needs her attention. What is she doing after raising a dog at home?

After all, small animals are very repulsive to people like her.

After taking the child out to eat something, it is already ten o'clock.

Qin Chu sent the child directly to the grandmother's room.

Then go out again, he went to see Rick.

"Rick, I need you to do me a favor."


"Look for a car with good skills... drive tomorrow, hit ... Huo Mian." Qin Chu said clearly.

"What?" Rick thought he had a problem with his ear and he got it wrong.

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