My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 4206: Don't touch my daughter again (5)

"Oh? No, where is the **** smell..."

The little nurse talked to herself.

"Is there? Why didn't I smell it? Are you illusory?" Huo Mian laughed.

"No, my nose is the most sensitive. My mom said that my nose is a puppy. What she usually does is delicious. I can smell it for the first time and then get up quickly."

The little nurse had no doubt about his ability, but he did not find a source of **** taste.

"There are a lot of patients in our hospital. They are not all bloody. It may be that you have just passed through the operating room. Bring it in."

"Is it? Maybe..."

The little nurse groaned and thought that Huo Mian said it was justified. Then she changed her medicine and then she left.

After she left, Huo Mian took out a transparent bag from under the pillow, inside... it was a hot heart.

Shenjia Villa

Sweet winter vacation came back from Kyoto, Shen Mingxi was in the field, so Wei Ying went to pick up.

At the airport, sweet out of the door, saw Wei Ying, and rushed up.

Then sweetly called, "Mom."

The people around me cast their envious eyes, and really thought that this is a mother and daughter.

Wei Ying is somewhat uncomfortable, because the sweetness has always been called Wei Ying aunt, and occasionally called Wei Ying mother.

Suddenly calling her mother, she made her a little embarrassed.

However, she did not doubt the child's sincerity, but quickly put a new luxury down jacket on the sweet.

"Let's be cold here, no more than Kyoto, you are going to wear it."

"Wow, this brand is very expensive, mother, do you give me a new one?"

"Well, knowing that you are coming back, you have prepared a few pieces, don't you know if you like it?"

"Like, thank you Wei Ying mother."

The sweet mouth is getting better and better, and the relationship with Wei Ying is more and more harmonious.

Shen Mingxi began to think that this is also very good, after all, the child's mother is gone.

So let her follow Wei Ying, it is also a good thing.

But then I feel more and more that this child is too sleek and sophisticated.

It’s not quite the same as the precocious pudding of pudding and pudding.

In short, Shen Mingxi is a bit wary of this child...

However, Wei Ying is still a true heart, really when her family's children come to raise.

"Mom, this time I may not be able to stay at home for too long. The school organized a trip. The teacher will take us to Australia. It is just summer. The whole class is going."

"Good, let's go."

"But it is necessary to pay 80,800 travel expenses, and the food you eat is high-grade." Sweet emphasis.

"No problem, I will transfer the money to the teacher."

"Mom, there is one more thing. My mobile phone accidentally fell when I was at school, and I didn't dare to tell my father... Can I buy another mobile phone for me? I can deduct it from my living expenses."

"This kid...where will it be deducted from your living expenses, just a mobile phone, buy it."

Then Wei Ying directly drove the car to the door of a luxury mobile phone store.

With more than 8,000 prices, I bought the most popular mobile phone for this kid.

Sweet seems to be very happy, and then I will please Wei Ying.

"Wei Ying mother... When I am homesick at school, I will see photos of you and my father. I will also take your photos to my classmates. They all say that you are very beautiful and that we are very Like it."

"Is it?" Wei Ying smiled.

"Wei Ying mother, you will ... have a younger brother, will you like me?" Sweet suddenly asked.

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