My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 4208: Don't touch my daughter again (seven)

"Hahaha, sister, you are so talented... I don’t talk for a hundred years, and the world is shocked when I speak."

After listening to the old sister’s speech, Douding directly smiled.

Gao Boyuan is also a hippie smile.

A group of adults are inexplicable, and think that this group of children is doing?

"I can say, I am very embarrassed, I have not done anything." Wei Yunchu looked innocent.

Then the pudding was not talking, and continued to play with his head down.

After the meal, Pudding and Douding followed Qin Chu.

Wei Yunchu still ran over without knowing how to take out a lollipop.



"Are you still angry?"

"Why should I be angry?"

"Then I deleted her."

Waiting for the pudding to speak, Wei Yunchu took out his mobile phone and deleted the sweetness directly in the face of the pudding.

Although the pudding did not say anything, but there is still a little satisfaction in my heart.

The other three children don't know, but the pudding knows.

It was still a long time ago, once, Huo Mian and Qin Chu chatted about Huo Wei’s orphans.

Pudding remembers very clearly that the parents’ comments on the child are not very good.

A small child, who has just died, can open his mouth and call someone else to call her mother. The tolerance is also invincible.

To put it bluntly, it is a matter of heart and heart.

Also changed his name to change his name, called Shen Mingxi father, Wei Ying mother.

This attitude of change does not want an ordinary child to do it.

So since then, Pudding really didn't like sweetness. Since she went to Kyoto, she has never been in contact.

God knows why she suddenly added Wei Yunchu’s WeChat today...

However, Wei Yunchu was in the face of the pudding, deleted the sweet WeChat, and it was clear.

"Give you."

Wei Yunchu handed over the lollipop again, and the Pudding did not refuse this time.

After a thank you, I left the restaurant with my father.

"Sister... don't you like sugar?"

In the car, the diced bean has been coveted.

"What is it?"

"You don't eat, it's a waste to take it back. The hot heating in our house, the lollipop will melt away, then it's a pity. I just saw it when Wei Yunchu paid the money. This lollipop 128. , what is said to be handmade."

"So?" The pudding continued to calm down.

"So if you don't eat it, it's a waste. It's better to give it to me."

"Don't think about it, stay away from me."

The taste of being rejected is really uncomfortable. If I haven’t finished it, I will be rejected by my sister.

Douding was dissatisfied and complained. "Hey, look at your big niece, your character is too overbearing, and you are selfish. You don't eat it, you don't give it to me."

"She can't bear to throw it, don't worry." Qin Chu looked at the two daughters from the mirror and smiled.

At this time, the pudding phone rang.

She picked up the video, "Hello, Su Shuai."

"Wow, the pudding is so beautiful today, go out?"

"Well, they have a meal with Aunt Xiaowei."

"Oh, good thing, did you see the beginning of the cloud?" Su Yu's straightforward words made the pudding a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, Bean Ding grabbed the phone.

"Smelly Su Shuai, why send it to her, don't send it to me?"

"You two are not in one day, who is not the same?" Su Yule.

"It's not the same, first send to whom, prove who you like more, oh... don't love you." Douding licked.

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