My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 4222: Not old legend (1)

In fact, if the operating table is hardened, it is not impossible to complete this operation because of the sharing of all the memories of Huo Mian in her mind.

It’s just too risky. In case there are too many loopholes, they will be seen by those people... Isn’t it worth the loss?

Her goal has not been completed yet. If she is too early to be seen and screwed up, I am afraid that the main guild will be unhappy.

So after considering a variety of factors, Huo Mian, or Lila, she refused, she smashed...

She does not surgery, the medical genius is Huo Mian, not her.

Seeing her say this, Qin Chu finally nodded.

"Well, I am not embarrassed, I will explain it to Rick."

"Well, husband, let's talk to Rick, I don't want to help Sissi... I am really..."

"I know."

After Qin Chu finished these four words, he turned and left, and he did not say hello.

It looks like it’s angry...

After Qin Chu left, Huo Mian was even more angry, and immediately took the pillow on the bed and fell to the ground.

"Mom... Why should the old lady look at your face here... I thought that Hun sleep was a happy life, what is he called happiness? The whole is a high-cold face man... I really don’t know how the idiot would choose Marrying such a man is not as gentle as Su Yu?"

Laila’s temper is up, and the dissatisfaction with Qin Chu is quite a lot...

Of course, she did not know that Qin Chu was not like Huo Mian. The reason for this was because she saw her through.

However, she has not found it at this time. After all, the city of Qin Chu has been very deep, and the camouflage has always been very beautiful.

Qin Chudu has already paid attention to the case of the First Hospital...

It seems that from now on, the crime must be taken from a distance, and it can’t be started nearby, or it may be stared...

Laila showed a bloodthirsty smile... a strange smile.

Southern District Gynecology

The home of Xixi is relatively close to the southern area, and the first hospital has not been flat recently. It is always a terrible news that the children are missing.

Therefore, all her parents recommended that her daughter come to the Southern District.

Rick has no opinions, everything is watching Sicily.

Sicilian parents are more superstitious, but also specially invited people to watch the time, and then pick a very good surgeon, for the West.

When Qin Chu drove over, the family of Xixi waited outside the door.

There is still Nie Lingwei who has not seen for a long time, she actually came back.

After Qin Chu came, he nodded and greeted everyone, and then went to the side of the corridor with Rick.

"Nervous, brother?"

Qin Chu asked Rick.

"Well, nervous."

"What mood?"

"Mood... It’s not good, it’s like doing a big business, afraid of being in the mood of being checked." Rick said.

Qin Chu: ...

Qin Chu was so cried and laughed, but it was really awkward for this underworld.

The gangster godfather, the youngest gangster godfather in the history of Chinese Americans, was originally a sly man.

If you say something to others, it’s all a word, and it’s a bad thing with Qin Chu.

In fact, neither Rick nor Sicily asked Huo Mian to come to the main knife.

After all, I know that Hibern is hurt now, and I am also suffering from illness.

Qin Chu deliberately said that there is only one purpose.

Continue to test...

Although she has confirmed that she is a fake Hibern, she wants to see how much homework she has done.

Will it be the best medicine for Huoming?

I don't know why, maybe it is the relationship between husband and wife, Qin Chu thinks that this fake will not be medical.

Because since she came back, she rarely came to the Southern District.

Sure enough, he was guessed right, this is the short board of this fake, she actually does not have any medical skills, but still continue to pretend to be a sleep, which makes Qin Chu more disgusting.

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