My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 4225: Not old legend (4)

"Qin Chu has already been here. Just after he left, he is not in a good mood. In front of them, don't mention this again. It is not intended to spread salt to people's wounds."

"I know, I won't say this in person, just spit it out."

"Yeah, Achu didn't say anything, but his heart is definitely uncomfortable."

The two couples talked about the topic of Qin Huo and his wife, and felt extraordinarily heavy.

At this time, the door opened and the mother of the West took her child to the front.

Sissi’s sister and father are behind me...

The trio took a lot of things.

"Hey, you go to give your child a milk."

"How much?"

"The doctor said that you can give 30 ml first."

"Is there water? Dad, didn't you just let you burn water?"

Nie Lingqi also has no experience and is in a hurry.

"I have already boiled, where the temperature is constant, it has always been that temperature, you can use it directly."

The mother of Sicily held the child and walked to the ward.

"Mom, let me see her."

Xixi couldn't help but still want to take a look...

"Every day I can see that there are many opportunities. What is important now is that you have a good rest."

My mother distressed her daughter and let Sicily rest.

"But I am not sleepy, tossing spirits... Haha, show me my niece."

The mother of Sicily held the child and went to the west.

"She is asleep?" Cassie whispered.

"Well, it’s awkward, I cried twice, and I fell asleep... I just didn’t cry when I took a shower.” Sicily’s mother also loved it.

"Right, have you both named your child?"

This is what the father of Sicily asked.

Sisi looked at Rick. "You said."

Rick said slowly, "The child's English name is - Christine, but we still want to give her a Chinese name, just a surname with her mother, surname Nie."

After saying this, the family of the West was suddenly paralyzed...

"This..." Cassie Dad was obviously flattered.

"It’s good to have a surname with us." Nie Ling smiled.

"Dad, you said something, happy?"

Xixi naughty spit tongue.

"Happy, ... can make the granddaughter with us a surname, is our blessing." Xixi dad grinned very honestly.

Then I heard Rick go on and say, "I heard that in our north, there is a custom about naming. If the name of the parents is three words, the child needs two words."

"Yes, there is this saying, my name is Nie Tao, two words, then two daughters are called Nie Lingwei, and one is Nie Lingxi."

In order to confirm this statement, Xixi Dad also deliberately used his own analogy, very cute.

Rick laughed. "So I intend to give our children two words, surnamed Nie."

"What do you want to call?" Nie Ling asked, unable to wait.

Xixi was smug in the ward. "Rick gave me this bright mission. We thought about it before. If you have a boy, you will call Nie Chen, and your daughter will be called Nie Jin."

"Jin?" Sicily's sister glimpsed.

"Well, the idioms from our China - good fortune." Xixi said proudly.

"Oh, good to hear, really nice... satisfied." Citi dad laughed.

"We Xixi, these years have not been read in white, it is good." Xixi Ma is also full of praise.

Nie Ling smiled and said, "Sister, it seems that for this good name, you should have another second child. You must have a son named Nie Chen, haha..."

"You think too much, don't want it for the time being... It's too hard to have a baby in October... Mom... Did you give birth to me and my sister, was it so sin?"

Xixi spoiled her head in the arms of her mother.

"In our time, medicine was not as developed as it is now. We didn't eat as much as you eat... You were both three pounds when you were born, and I thought I couldn't live..."

Recalling that year, Xixi Ma was moved.

"My husband's name is Xiao Nie Jin, what about the name?" Xixi looked at Rick.

"Dad, let's take it, give the child a nickname." Rick respected the elders and handed the task to his father-in-law.

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