My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 4377: Isn't it what you are pregnant with? (six)

Han Yueyao knows that the huge sum that can be obtained by Xinghuang Company is definitely the meaning of Su Yu.

Five million for Su Yu, not much, not enough to buy a big house in Kyoto.

But for the Han Yueyao family, it is a lot of money, and can do a lot of things.

At the moment of receiving the money, she even made up her mind, and wanted her parents to sell the small house in Kyoto. Together with this huge sum, the three went to a small coastal city in the southeast to buy a sea view room. The kind of terrace, then open a happy snack bar downstairs with my parents, do some Kyoto specialty snacks, sell them to all kinds of people.

Her long-cherished wish was easily realized by Su Yu’s huge sum...

"Thank you for your gratitude, I am a wicked capitalist, and I have not earned you a lot..." Su Yu couldn't help others to boast and refused to admit his good deeds.

"Don't say that... you guy... it's a cooked duck... it's hard."

"Nima, saying that his money boss is a duck... five million still me."

Han Yueyao immediately broke into laughter...

"If you don't give it, don't give it. When it comes to my money, you still want to go back... think beautiful."

"Okay, this is right. If you are older than the New Year, you should smile more... You look so good."

"Su Yu, if you can't marry your wife in the future... I can't get married..."

Su Yu lightly coughs, waiting for the following...

I would have thought that Han Yueyao said that you will marry me by then.

I know, this girl has a turn.

"We are not as good as the knot of Jinlan...just form a pair of combinations, called - difficult brothers and sisters." Han Yueyao laughed.

Su Yu:...

"Don't it be a woman who can't get married, can she marry if she can't get married?"

In the romance novels, Su Yu looks at such a stalk.

So, what is the ghost of the knot?

"Hahaha, I want to be beautiful... Who wants to marry you... You have countless years of picking up girls, and when you were young, you were so big... After the age is over, the kidney function will not work, I will not..."

Su Yu:...

"Nima, this is what you said if you didn't leave the cabinet girl... shame..." Su Yuhan.

"In short, all kinds of dislikes..."

"Dead gimmicks... Don't let me catch you... or bang your head." Su Yu teased her.

"Come on, come on, knock on... my head, I always feel itchy recently... maybe it is owe... you can try it."

Han Yueyao is a complete provocation...

Originally, Su Yu was planning to talk to Han Yueyao a few more words. After all, the little girl is still very good.

After leaving, Su Yu did not want people to take the attitude of tea cool.

However, Qin Chu’s call made him have to terminate his call with Han Yueyao in advance.

Looked at the call of Qin Chu, Su Yu face full of dignity.

"Da Yao Yao, I will not talk to you first, I still have things."

"Okay, let's talk back."

Han Yueyao was full of joy and hung up the phone, but did not know, this is the last contact between her and Su Yu.

Since then... Han Yueyao has never been able to contact Su Yu...

She later regretted it many times. At that time, why didn't she say a few words to Su Yu?

There are really a lot of heartfelt words, and I haven’t had time to talk to Su Yu.

"Qin Chu."

After Su Yu hung up the phone of Han Yueyao, he was busy picking up the phone from Qin Chu.

"Su Yu, where are you?"

"At home."

"Then wait for me, I will be there soon."

After that, Qin Chu hurriedly hung up the phone...

However, with Su Yu’s understanding of Qin Chu, every time he looks for him, after all, there are important things.

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