My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 4434: Two dreams (3)

The five masters had never been in the sports car before, so after going on the high speed... it felt like flying, especially exciting.

Sitting in the co-pilot, he whispered a small Beijing opera tone to express his feelings of flying at this moment.

Su Yu can pull the high man back, and there is a bottom in his heart.

In the city of C, Su Yu directly pulled the five masters to come to Su Yu before eating the roast duck restaurant.

After the point was finished, the five masters reached out and just wanted to pull the legs of the roast duck, and they were stopped by Su Yu.

"Master... I had a problem before eating."

"Ask." Five masters looked at the roast duck DC saliva.

"My friends, how long can I stay? How much time is waiting for me to save them."

"What time is it?" The five masters asked Su Yu.

Su Yu bowed his head and looked at his watch. "A little in the afternoon."

"Well, before the sun sets, they will fall into sleep forever, or die in a dream." The five masters said very calmly.

But after Su Yu listened, the whole person jumped up.

Because it means that his friends, his sleep, there are less than five hours, the winter of the north wind, the sun basically fell at five o'clock.

"Master, don't eat it first... is it?"

"What are you worried about, let me finish..."

"When my friend comes back, I ask you to eat every day, eat every year..."

Su Yu feels that time is too hasty, and there is still leisure time to eat roast duck here with the five masters.

Therefore, regardless of whether the five masters are willing or not, they will drag him away.

The five masters were not willing to show weakness. They left and hurriedly pulled a roast duck leg.

Then Su Yu drove with his five masters to his private villa.

He dragged him straight into the room of Xiao'an.

"Master, look at my friend... This kid has been with me for several years. It is my driver's part-time bodyguard and part-time assistant. I have deep feelings with me, like my brothers."

It refers to Xiao An, who is still sleeping on the bed, and Su Yu’s heart is not a taste.

The five masters looked at Xiao An while holding the roast duck.

Nod, "Well, yes, this is the state of dreaming... He is a real person, so what you see in your dreams is really him, not a fictionalized by a dreamer."

"Master, how do I get into a dream twice?"

Su Yu once again mentioned the second return to the dream...

The five masters loosened the roast duck and duck legs on their lips, and their eyes dimmed slightly.

To be honest, he does not want Su Yu to enter the dream twice...

Because he knows what to pay, but he also knows that it is impossible to change this little stupid.

He is too persistent, and there are girls he loves in his dreams...

"Master, time is running out, things are up to now... don't drag me down... Cheng? Save a life and win a seven-level floating squad. I am going back this time to save all my friends..."

"It's not difficult to dream, but you must find out the hypnotist who was introduced to you. I have to pass her to get you back."

The five masters said that there is no mood to eat here.

Drop the remaining roast duck legs directly into the **** bin... Then the oily hand is rubbed directly onto the corner of the clothes. It is really informal.

However, Su Yu has no mood to ridicule the five masters.

Because his time is running out, there is not much time for Xiaomian, and everyone’s time is running out...

"The hypnotist... There are still a few hours left, how can I find it..." Su Yu is desperate.

It’s a sea of ​​people, where to find Zengrou... Isn’t this a needle in a haystack?

"Do not worry, you so many people dream at the same time, the hypnotist will not go far to help the dreamer to control the situation, it should be in this city, and ... maybe not far from your residence." The five masters can definitely say.

The five masters of this sentence, but let Su Yu surprise...

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