24. Chapter 24: Luoyang Midway, He Nai Leaving

Translator: mellet

The plane flew for almost two hours and finally reached its destination. Several people were eager to know where Mu Feng was going, so they went straight to the White Horse Temple. Because Sun Yaxin called his men in advance and prepared the car, they didn’t need to cram onto a bus or take a taxi.

The chocolate bar was still hung from Sun Yaxin’s lips, which showed that he was very comfortable. Looking at him, in addition to worrying about Mu Feng, Xia Mingyu suddenly raised a question in his mind: Since Sun Yaxin was so powerful, why didn’t he check the trail of Mu Feng himself but waited for them to guide the way? He didn’t believe that Sun Yaxin didn’t know where Mu Feng had gone.

Xia Mingyu was kind of sensitive. Actually when he told them about being tested with the medicine by Zhao family, he meant to seek help. But Mu Feng and others, including Zhao Yun, hadn’t taken it to their hearts at all. So now he felt more and more terrified.

He remembered very well that he was locked in an isolated room after he was brought out of the orphanage. At first he behaved obediently, thinking that as long as he performed well, his father and mother would let him out. However, the result was that no one else had ever came except that the tutor came to teach him every day.

Later, he wanted to see his father and mother, and the tutor helped him pass the message. His mother Han Xiaolin did come,  and he was very happy, wanting to jump up and hug his mother, but he was kicked hard by the servant on one side. After all, he was a child, so he cried in pain after falling on the ground. But Han Xiaolin didn’t comfort him, only invited the people behind her to come in.

He could never forget about that scene. The doctors in white gowns, holding various props, pressed him on the bed, and his hands and feet tied up. He was given the anesthetic. He watched the doctor inject the medicine into his body, causing him so painful that he rolled on the ground.

No one knew how he had gone through. Once he tried to escape, he would be beaten badly after being caught and couldn’t get off the bed for almost three months. During this period he had to receive the medicine injection, which really hurt and made him want to die, but he could not die, because his body was so painful that he was completely beyond his own control. He wanted to commit suicide by biting his tongue but could not do it.

So, he wouldn’t trust anyone. Also, he had no one to trust.

He longed for and envied what Zhao Ziyi had, but he understood that his brother Zhao Ziyi and he were completely in two different worlds. From holding hope to feeling desperate, he had not even experienced disappointment and jumped straight to hell.

So at the time in the tomb of the Zhao family, he was happy because he finally left the Zhao family. Even if he died in the tomb, it was better than staying in hell. But he didn’t want to die now, his life hasn’t really started, why should it end?

He followed Mu Feng and others until now, in fact, he had already taken off some defenses, especially to Zhao Yun. Even if he didn’t admit it, he couldn’t imagine how he relied on a zombie, but it was the truth.

For suddenly breaking in and making good friends with Mu Feng, chatting with Wangchuan and He Nai, and meeting Sun Yaxin who even could occasionally chat with Zhao Yun, he felt not objectionable, but he did not believe in Sun Yaxin, especially after knowing that he was powerful. He never believed Sun Yan would not know where Mu Feng had gone.

But he wouldn’t say it because he was not qualified to…

The boy said nothing all the way, just following behind silently, and even didn’t respond to Eight Tails’ occasional bullying. It made Zhao Yun feel something wrong. Thinking that Xia Mingyu was afraid of strangers, Zhao Yun reached out to touch Xia Mingyu’s soft hair and comforted him silently.

Broken heart seeming to be wrapped in soft water, Xia Mingyu looked up in confusion, hearing Zhao Yun say, “Don’t be afraid.”

This sentence seemed to have been heard for many times, and it always made his uncomfortable feeling disappear. This person was really good to him…

“I’m not afraid.” Suddenly, the sadness in the boy’s eyes dispersed, and he said firmly. Zhao Yun slightly raised the corner of his lips and replied to Xia Mingyu a indiscernible smile, which made Xia Mingyu thought he may be dazzled. He didn’t expect that Zhao Yun would smile. Zhao Yun, who was a zombie, would smile! It was more delightful than Wangchuan’s smile!

“Hey, Mingyu, why are you blushing?” He Nai next to him suddenly looked at him and Xia Mingyu leaned against Zhao Yun in fear. He Nai pouted, but she didn’t complain, so it seemed that she was used to it…

Just when everyone was not far from the White Horse Temple, He Nai’s phone suddenly rang, and she took it out. Looking at the caller displaying on the screen, her smile froze. When she answered, her voice instantly became cold: “Hey, what do you want me for?”

“Go back? Why? Oh, what’s wrong with my master? He’s fine…Really? You have already known. So why are you still talking to me? I said I won’t go back!”

He Nai seemed very angry, and Xia Mingyu saw her frown, changing her pink phone into the other hand, and continued to talk to the person on the phone, “What do you mean? I told you, don’t threaten me with that. I hate it the most-”

Xia Mingyu didn’t know what the other party said, and He Nai’s face changed: her eyes almost could spew fire. She gritted her teeth and said, “Okay, I promise you to go back. If you really dare to do it, don’t blame me for doing something uncontrollable!”

She hung up in anger and waved at Sun Yaxin, who was driving, “Childe Sun, stop the car.”

Sun Yaxin hesitated for a moment, and pulled over at the side of the road, “What’s wrong? Someone extorted you?”

He Nai snorted coldly, opened the door and stepped out, “Almost. You should go to White Horse Temple first. It seems that I can’t go with you. The He family sent someone to take me back. There’s no way to refuse. Remember to inform me when you have news.”

Just after He Nai spoke, a white Mercedes stopped behind Sun Yaxin’s car and a bodyguard in black walked out, “Miss, it’s time to go.”

When did he strat following? The people in the car were puzzled. Sun Yaxin’s original comfortable appearance suddenly became fierce, and his eyes dangerously narrowed, as if he was going to make trouble, but he suddenly gave up, sneered and drove away.

Wangchuan turned to see He Nai sitting in the Mercedes reluctantly, and then explained to Zhao Yun and Xia Mingyu in the back seat, “Something happened to her family. Let’s continue to go to the White Horse Temple to investigate the master’s whereabouts.”

Zhao Yun and Xia Mingyu had nothing to say. They could only nod tacitly and continue to look out of the window.

The White Horse Temple was much bigger than the Lingyin Temple. Anyway, Xia Mingyu had already lost the direction. Even following Wangchuan and Sun Yaxin, he had gone to other places several times. Looking at those Buddhist temples and attics, Xia Mingyu felt dizzy. He turned to Zhao Yun. Seeing him so, Zhao Yun bent over to pick him up.

“Better?” Zhao Yun gently stroked his back, and Xia Mingyu’s body stiffened. He didn’t speak, and felt cold where Zhao Yun touched. Xia Mingyu thought that Zhao Yun was a zombie, so in temple, wouldn’t he…

Thinking of this, Xia Mingyu struggled slightly, “You put me down, I am okay. You… aren’t you uncomfortable?”

Zhao Yun froze for a moment and shook his head, but he misunderstood it. He thought Xia Mingyu said that he would be uncomfortable holding him, but no, Zhao Yun only felt that Xia Mingyu was very light, so light as if he would disappear at any time.

Xia Mingyu finally went back to the ground, and he stared at Zhao Yun with his eyebrows screwed, “I mean, wouldn’t you feel uncomfortable with so many Buddhas? After all, you are a …”

He stopped, because he would never dare say that word in public. If the monks knew that, whether true or not, it would bring trouble to them. It was the first time he had cared about someone else, although object of his concern was a thousand-year zombie.

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