Chapter 48 Interrogation

Translator: Cheryl_M

Just like a vampire, a zombie also had a natural desire for blood. At first, when Zhao Yun couldn’t eat any food, the eight-tailed cat spirit brought some fresh animal’s blood for him. He found it hard to swallow, but when he actually drank it, he totally forgot what it was.

Seeing the exposed neck of Xia Mingyu, Zhao Yun had located the best biting position among the veins by instinct. He couldn’t help gritting his fangs with his eyes getting redder. He frowned at his reaction. No, once he started sucking the blood, probably he would kill Xia Mingyu. The scent of blood came out through the skin and veins.

“Xiaoyu, stop it. Get dressed.” Zhao Yun reached out to pull up Xia Mingyu’s clothes, but this time the young man was extremely stubborn. When he just dressed him up, the clothes was pulled down again.

Looking at Zhao Yun, who became even more desirous, Xia Mingyu directly pulled down his shirt to his wrist, exposing the upper body. This time, Zhao Yun couldn’t help him put on the shirt again. Xia Mingyu grinned complacently. “Yun, it doesn’t matter. I’m not afraid of pain. Besides, this isn’t the first time.”

“No, be good, or I’ll hurt you.” Because he searched for Xia Mingyu with the blood deed these days, so he didn’t feed. He thought it would be fine but now that Xia Mingyu offered his blood, he found it a bit hard to endure.

Zhao Yun’s words were useless to this dizzy young man at all. “If you don’t feed, you must feel terrible. I don’t know how to pay you back. Can’t I repay you in this way? I love you, Yun, so you can do anything to me, as long as you don’t leave me…”

“No, you…” Before he finished the sentence, the strong desire for blood had taken his brain. By instinct, Zhao Yun approached Xia Mingyu’s neck and licked the skin. Then he bit the young man’s neck off guard. As his fangs pierced through the skin, Xia Mingyu hummed and gripped Zhao Yun’s hand more tightly.

With the sweet and fragrant blood going into his mouth, Zhao Yun shuddered and started to take in more blood greedily, as if a traveller lost in the desert encountered an oasis. The young man raised his neck with a smile on his face.

Great. At least he was somewhat useful…

“Humph, if he keeps sucking, this body will become a mummy.” With his eyes turning purple, the young man froze a bit. When his eyes were opened again, a red mark appeared in the middle of his eyebrows.

Xia Mingyu raised his hand and pressed Zhao Yun’s neck. His palm glimmered with purple light faintly, making Zhao Yun relax his bite and seemingly fall asleep with his eyes closed. Xia Mingyu gave a sinister smile and stared at Zhao Yun’s sleeping face in a trance.

“Humph, how reckless you are! How can you trust other people randomly! You are really stupid as always.” ”

The young man with purple pupils recovered the wound on his neck  with his magic reluctantly. When he heard the footsteps outside, he got surprised and then withdrew the body-bind curse. Then he just fell into Zhao Yun’s arms.

“Brother Zhao, are you there?” Outside came Wangchuan’s shout. Zhao Yun woke up and felt flurried to see that Xia Mingyu was unconscious. Then, he held the young man up and checked his neck only to find that there was no bite mark as he expected.

“Brother Zhao?” The voice of Wangchuan came again. Zhao Yun removed the barrier and walked out while holding Xia Mingyu in his arms. “What’s up?”

Wangchuan was still holding the eight-tailed cat spirit. It seemed that Wangchuan was happy with being pestered by the cat spirit. He pinched its claws and said to Zhao Yun, “Oh, Master asked me to come and have a look. By the way, how is Mingyu now?”

“He is asleep.” Zhao Yun lowered his head and saw that the young man’s shirt was a little wrinkled and half taken off, so he helped dress him up in case that Xia Mingyu would get a cold.

Wangchuan didn’t notice why they came out of the toilet. He only told Zhao Yun what Mu Feng asked him to say after coming back. That was, Cao Cao and his men had already left but all the formalities had been handled. Besides, Zhao Yun was the general manager of this karaoke club now.

Zhao Yun nodded perfunctorily and then asked Wangchuan, “Did Mu Feng and Sun Yaxuan plot this before? That’s why they deliberately brought me here?”

He didn’t like the feeling of being plotted, especially by his friends.

Wangchuan shook his head and said, “No, Master received a call from Cao Cao at first, who claimed that he had news about Kingdom of Shu-Han. Hence, he brought you here. Relax. Master won’t cheat those on his side.”

“Umm.” Zhao Yun nodded and returned to the private room with Wangchuan. Now it was Mu Feng who was singing. When they entered the room, the singing sound just stunned Zhao Yun. Instantly, he shunned the sound with magic. It was then that he realized that Mu Feng was completely tone-deaf…

Sun Yaxin and He Nai were mad with their ears covered. The cat spirit, shocked off guard, buried its head into Wangchuan’s armpit with its butt stuck up in the air, trying to keep itself from the noise.

Wu Jiuge was still calm, thanks to the earbuds in his ears.. He Nai was so depressed. If she had known that Mu Feng would sing, she shouldn’t have put down the microphone and gone to get a drink. QWQ.

The Xia Mingyu, awakened by the noise, widened his amber eyes in confusion. Upon seeing that he woke up, Zhao Yun gently covered his ears with his hands. Although he could use magic, he couldn’t take advantage of Xia Mingyu then.

Gosh! How could this guy sing so badly? Xia Mingyu was so mad that he even wanted to throw the Tiyue Tang Sword out, but Sun Yaxin was even madder. He gave Mu Feng a kick directly.

“Hey, Xinxin, how could you do this to me? You interrupted my creation.” Mu Feng rubbed his butt that was harshly kicked. Seeing that Sun Yaxin flared up, he shrank his head and sneered, “Cough, haha, I… I was just kidding. Xinxin, you must calm down, calm down. Ouch!”

“How can I calm down? Mu Feng, are you asking for trouble? I’ve told you a lot of times. Don’t sing ever! You voice can literally kill people!” Mu Feng was dissed by Sun Yaxin…

“Mingyu.” When he saw Xia Mingyu walking near, Wu Jiuge stood up and went to him. However, Zhao Yun stood between them and then glanced at Wu Jiuge, saying casually, “Who are you?”

Now that no one else was in the private room, Zhao Yun started to “interrogate” Wu Jiuge. Mu Feng and Sun Yaxin also stopped making a scene, both of whom gathered and decided to take action as long as something wrong happened.

Feeling that they were much more intimate, Wu Jiuge lowered his head in quietness. Xia Mingyu didn’t want Zhao Yun to know about the Heavenly Soul, so he had to defend for Wu Jiuge. “Yun, Jiuge is not a bad person.” Xia Mingyu didn’t remember what happened after being drunk, the only thing he remembered was that he vomited…

“Mingyu, why are you so sure he’s not a bad guy?” He Nai pointed to Wu Jiuge with staring eyes, “I’ve found that he is a witch!”

A witch? What?

Xia Mingyu didn’t know that but Wu Jiuge had saved him before. Xia Mingyu was not a merciless person. How could he hurt his benefactor?”But he saved me.”

“He must have other aims. Mingyu, don’t be so silly? There are not so many kind people in the world.” He Nai got really anxious. Of course, in her opinion, Wu Jiuge must be up to something.

“I…” Xia Mingyu didn’t know what to say, thinking about whether to tell them about the Heavenly Soul. Otherwise, Wu Jiuge would always be wronged. He felt so guilty and wanted to say something while Wu Jiugue spoke first, “Maybe for Mingyu, it is much safer to be with me than you.”

Hey, the explanation was counterproductive.

Xia Mingyu obviously noticed that Zhao Yun and the others all got angry. He was so disconsolate about Wu Jiuge. It was fine that Wu Jiuge always put on a poker face, but at least, he should say something nice to smooth things over. Otherwise, he would be sandwiched!

Seeing that Xia Mingyu was trying to help Wu Jiuge out, with a grim face, Zhao Yun pulled his arm and then stared at the innocent amber eyes of Xia Mingyu, saying, “I don’t want to make Xiaoyu torn between you and us. You’d better not be up to anything, or I won’t spare you.”

Wu Jiuge looked up, with his eyes full of coldness. “I will return this to you intact.”

Enough was enough. Did they contradict each other in terms of Eight Characters? Could they just have a peaceful talk? Could they just make up? At least… At least not so hostile!

Xia Mingyu felt so helpless. Mu Feng and the others played again, like rolling the dice with the penalty of drinking. Zhao Yun was made to join them. Xia Mingyu saw Wu Jiuge sitting alone in the corner drinking and couldn’t help feeling a bit bad. He wanted to go and talk to Wu Jiuge but he was bumped by He Nai deliberately, which made him fall into Zhao Yun’s arms. Oh crap. He Nai was such a tough girl that she was even stronger than him!

They didn’t leave the club until midnight. Yet, there were still staff on the night shift at KTV, so Zhao Yun didn’t need to do anything about it. They returned to Sun Yaxin’s villa. Wu Jiuge initially wanted to follow Xia Mingyu back, but before getting into the car, he changed his mind, saying that he had something to deal with. Then he left.

“Phew, he finally left. Even though he is handsome, he is not a pleasing person at all. Besides, he’s a witch.” He Nai exhaled deeply and rested in the seat of the car. Mu Feng and He Nai got into Sun Yixin’s car with him while Zhao Yun and Xia Mingyu sat in Wangchuan’s car.

Mu Feng grinned and said, “Indeed, it has been a long time since the witches disappeared. I didn’t expect to meet one here. Alas, is the information provided by Cao really accurate?”

“Who knows. But you’ll still go, right?” Sun Yaxin smiled inexplicably. Surprisingly, Mu Feng hedged and tried to say something several times but he still gave up. In the end, he only said, “It is only me who can do it. By then, please help me take care of them.”

“What a nuisance! Being with you makes me almost like a nurse.” Sun Yaxin tut-tutted

impatiently, “Don’t worry. I’ve been trained up by the frequent appearing of the supernatural occurrences around you. Even if you tell me that you dig someone’s ancestor’s tomb and the ancestor jumps out, I will not be surprised.”

“Uh…” Given that Sun Yan didn’t know the true identities of Zhao Yun and Cao Cao, Mu Feng paltered, “Sure. Xinxin, you’re the best. When I get back, I’ll treat you to a big meal.”

“Come on, You? I’ll be glad if you don’t insist on staying at my home.” Sun Yaxin looked at Mu Feng with disdain and didn’t bother to talk to him again. Instead, he just focused on driving. Tut. It wasn’t safe to drive at night.

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