Chapter 75: Living

Translator: LiamHW

Goodbye? Can I see you again? Cao Pi did his best to kill, Chen Yutian’s soul would definitely dissipated by that hit, and his body would be burned later. There would  never be another Chen Yutian in the world. So his uttering of “goodbye” meant “Bye and we will never meet anymore…

Thinking of this, Xia Mingyu collapsed all at once, he fell weakly on his knees, his tears rolled over his face, and was like a string of broken beads, ruthlessly hitting on the ground.

“Heaven soul, the loneliest soul ever, you should stay away from love and so-called friends, and you are not able to have ones. I told you that you didn’t even have any friends indeed. Don’t be so emotional, because the more you care, the faster the god snatch it from you… “The evil soul sighed, he noticed and clearly understood how the heaven soul felt right now, and didn’t say anything bad to hurt him.

Xia Mingyu didn’t say anything, but he was crying louder. It was the first time that he cried so heartbreaking since he was born, he cried so badly that he could recall every conversation he talked with Chen Yutian.

Hey, my name is Chen Yutian. ‘

…Let’s be friends, I’ll protect you from now on. ‘

I just find you are so similiar to my younger brother, that makes my feeling to protect you. ‘

…I will take you as my younger brother from now on. Don’t worry, I will protect you. ‘

Why? Why was Chen Yutian the person who died? Why should Chen Yutian bear all these? Why should he bear the identity of the dead spirit? Why deprived him of everything?

A fire of anger ignited up in his mind and it almost burned out all the rational part of Xia Mingyu. He strated to hate, he hated himself of being too impotent to save Chen Yutian, he hated the person who turned Chen Yutian into the array eye, and he hated all the people who dug out the coffin… He felt a bunch of feeling of hatred for the first time, he knew that so many people still lived in this world happy and trouble-free but they were not supposed to live, Chen Yutian was a good person and died so miser, how unfair…

Feeling that something was wrong with Xia Mingyu, Zhao Yun frowned and approached Xia Mingyu to comfort him, but he saw the boy in front of him staggered up like an automata.

“Xiaoyu, you–” Before Zhao Yun finished his words, Xia Mingyu suddenly pulled out the Moon Tang Sword and pointed it at him, with tears on his face, the amber cat pupils of his appeared so hollow, as if it had lost all color at once, leaving only sadness.

He held the Moon Tang Sword to rush over without warning, Zhao Yun dodged, but he was afraid to hurt Xia Mingyu, so he didn’t fight back.

“Kiddo, you’ve been possessed.” Cao Pi uttered and looked at Xia Mingyu as if he wanted to take some action on this boy, but Zhao Yun’s face sank, he dodged from the sword and then pulled the boy’s wrist into his arms. The boy didn’t struggle, maybe it was the blood contract, the amber cat pupils in Xia Mingyu’s eyes flashed, then he passed out unconsciously.

~ ~ ~

“Xia Mingyu.” There was a shadow in the dark and Chen Yutian’s familiar voice echoed in his mind. “Xia Mingyu, don’t be sad. Please be happy and get your life back to the normal track soon. No matter what happens, you must live.”

The boy sat up in shock, with his body trembling, Zhao Yun sat by the bed, and saw him wake up, he reached out to put the boy’s head in his arms, and patted the boy’s back, “Don’t worry, I’m always here.”

Xia Mingyu leaned in his arms and his uneasy mood gradually calmed down, thinking of the previous incident, and asked, “Yun… Chen Yutian’s body.”

“Don’t worry, it’s cremated.” Zhao Yun knew what Xia Mingyu wanted to ask, and also knew that Xia Mingyu was definitely not able to see Chen Yutian’s body now. What had just happened this time was way too shocked for Xia Mingyu. He was afraid that the boy would over think about it. That was not an alarmist. Sun Yaxin had come to visit Xia Mingyu before, he found out that the boy was bullied by others in his childhood, it was so difficult for him to make any friends, and that would turn out to be something like this at the end.

In the perspective of psychology, Sun Yaxin analyzed that the death of Chen Yutian must be a severe trauma for Xia Mingyu, which might make the boy more autistic. He also adviced Zhao Yun to accompany with him in the following days.

Xia Mingyu’s mood had been very low, the image of his friend occured to him one after another. Looking at the sadness flowed from the pathetic boy, Zhao Yun sighed, and reached out to touch his brow, and rubbed with his cold fingertips, Zhao Yun said, “It’s not your fault. You don’t need to blame yourself.”

“But if I’m strong enough, I can save him…” the boy murmured, and Zhao Yun shook his head, “His spirit has become a dead spirit. He can’t leave that formation. No one can save him. From the moment he became an array eye, he was doomed to disappear.”

“Why?! Why was Chen Yutian?!” Xia Mingyu suddenly became agitated, the amber cat pupils were filled with blood, and the boy gritted his teeth and said with a grudge, “It can be anyone, but why would it be Chen Yutian?”

“… Maybe in that case, only Chen Yutian met the perfect condition of being the Array Eye, you–” Zhao Yun was interrupted by Xia Mingyu’s voice, asking, “Even if that is the case, did he need to be sacrificed?”

“He was sucked up by the corpse spirits with a lot of mankind spirits and blood. He still carries the curse from those who died. He wasn’t able to live long.”

“He can’t live long… why can’t I save him… why… why can’t I save him…” The boy choked up and complained that Cao Pi and Zhao Yun didn’t save Chen Yutian, but he also understood that the array could only be eradicated when the eyes were broken. Chen Yutian’s death was doomed. However, even the truth of his death was doomed now, this core problem was that it was hard for this pathetic boy to let go of it. Accept the fact so calmly? No, he wouldn’t.

“Alas, Yu, the one past should be remembered, but the living ones should move forward rather than stuck in the same place. Nearly a thousand years ago, the war I’ve seen was more than blazing. I saw many of my brothers die. I was stuck in sadness too. But what’s the benefit for us if we do nothing except being sad? Only by killing the enemy constantly and living at our best, can we live our lives and avenge them. Yu, do you get my point now? The only way to achieve what you want is to live with confidence, even if it is hard.”

Zhao Yun explained, Xia Mingyu was very confused at first, but after hearing his uttering, everything turned to be clearer, but he still felt that he was exhausting. He didn’t know what he could do, to live harder, or… Yeah, he only had one choice, that was to live, because he didn’t even have valor to die.

“I know. Don’t worry about me.” Feeling Zhao Yun’s concern through the blood contract, Xia Mingyu raised his head and smiled flimsily, then leaned into his arms and asked in a slight voice, “But… Yun, help me drop out of school. I think I might not be suitable for here…”

Zhao Yun remained silent for a while, rubbed the boy’s head, answering, “Okay.”

The sadness in the heart was diluted a lot by Zhao Yun’s tenderness, it was a moment Xia Mingyu was thinking about why the evil soul kept silence today, then he heard the familiar lazy voice rang out in the bottom of his heart: “Yo, now you think of me? ”

“I… aren’t you able to save Chen Yutian as well?” Xia Mingyu choked on the evil soul for a moment, he wanted to fight back, however, he instantly changed his mind and thought with hope that perhaps the other self would have some ideas.

The evil soul smiled and said with an unexplained taste, “To save a dead spirit? And that was a dead spirit with his soul dissipated and turned into a smoke and disappeared, I don’t get a superpower that big to save him. ”

“… Yes, sure…” The hope was doused, and the luster in the young man’s eyes was dimmed again, but the words of the evil soul got his attention again, “But… if we can collect the pieces of his soul, there might still be a way. Wasn’t Yun looking for Zhu Geliang? Maybe that famous military adviser gets some ways. ”

“Really?” Xia Mingyu’s eyes lightened up, he did not feel annoying anymore towards Zhao Yun’s plan to find other people in the Shu State, He only wanted to find Zhu Geliang as soon as possible and let him save Chen Yutian.

However, it was not that easy… The evil soul shook his head. The fact that no one would save Chen Yutian was doomed. He knew this very well, but in this current situation, he couldn’t say more. Forget it, leave him a goal and illusion. Don’t push him too hard.

“I won’t say no to you if you decide to folllow Yun to find Zhu Geliang. I just want to remind you that finding Zhu Geliang means that Ma Chao and his sister may show up too. Don’t you mind that?” ”

Ma Chao…… Xia Mingyu hesitated and looked up at Zhao Yun in a panic. But he couldn’t see Zhao Yun’s expression in the position of leaning in his arms, but only the lower jaw of his, however, as the blood contract worked, Zhao Yun could felt it and lowered his head, and looked at Xia Mingyu in his panicky eyes.

Knowing that the boy might be messing up his brain again, Zhao Yun shook his head helplessly and didn’t say anything, he just caressed Xia Mingyu’s head and asked, “Yu, if you’re in a bad mood, I’ll take you out for fun, how about that?”

“For fun? Any destination? Please don’t tell me it is the place where we went last time?” Xia Mingyu wasn’t really good at figuring out some places where was really fun. The only memory occured to him was the time when Sun Yaxin took him out to karaoke, so when Zhao Yun mentioned that, he subconsciously thought of Karaoke, but he suddenly frowned , that was an awful experience for him.

“Listen to yourself, I did not say anything yet.” Zhao Yun gently scratched the bridge of the boy’s nose and something occured to him, saying, “Some interesting places do exist around Luoyang area. I heard from the staff that day about Wangcheng Park. Are you interested with that?”

Wangcheng Park? Xia Mingyu was interested at this place because he had not been to any interesting places before after all, but he was hesitating whether to agree or not, suddenly he recalled that Zhao Yun once mentioned he was going to Ling Mountain, and he suppressed the feelings in his mind, and said casually, “Park? Uh… I don’t want to pick that for now.  But, hey, Yun, haven’t you once mentioned the Ling Mountain before? Which mountain is that?”

Zhao Yun didn’t expect Xia Mingyu to give up the opportunity to go out for fun, but instead remembered what he said before, it seemed that the boy relied on him completely and trusted him without any doubts, he felt for this pathetic boy. As Zhao Yun was about to answer, his phone rang all of sudden, he was shocked by this at first, and then he took out the phone, he saw on the screen that it was Mu Feng’s call.

At this moment, wasn’t Mu Feng working outside with Wangchuan Henai? Why did he call suddenly? Zhao Yun got a bit anxious and got through the phone and asked on speaker, “Hey, Mu Feng, what’s wrong?”

“Hiss … Zhao … Hiss … Duddoo…” The phone first rang with a messy sound, followed by a Mu Feng’s voice of vague word uttering “Zhao”, then the connection was cut off, Zhao Yun frowned. It was obvious that his uneasiness had been verified and something had happened on Mu Feng.

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