Both broken bows have a one meter length. The one collected by Tian Chen contains boundless Demon Qi, and the other is the opposite of boundless life force and Overwhelming Qi.

In the eyes of Hou Zi, the broken bow containing Demon Qi is a treasure, but in the eyes of ordinary cultívator, this is the treasure!

“Bu Fan two brothers said that the treasure is you!”

Tian Chen walked to the bow and looked carefully. The jade green of the bow is like jade, and the boundless strength is contained in it, which is not comparable to the average Spirit Artifact.

Even if the broken bow is the same, Tian Chen would like to know, if this bow is intact, what level will it exist?

The agent grabbed the broken bow. Tian Chen only felt that the boundless strength came along the arm, and quickly poured into within the body. This strength was too boundless, causing the Meridian where the strength passed was a pain. .

With today’s Half-Dragon Body, it is still difficult to bear the strength of the broken bow escape. If you actively absorb the strength of the broken bow, I am afraid that it will explode instantly!

A horrible color appeared on Tian Chen’s face, “It really is a treasure, Ancestor Master Spirit Scroll can’t be considered anything in front of this bow!”

Just the strength it escapes is stronger than Ancestor Master Spirit Scroll. No matter who gets the bow, the cultivatíon base will skyrocket. No wonder the two brothers have to run here if they die!

In amazement, there was a change in Source World in Second Dantian. The World Tree actually swayed, and the joyful mood filled the entire Source World.

Sensing the change of Source World, Tian Chen looked at Broken Bow and World Tree stupidly, seeming to be pleased with this Broken Bow!

With confusion, Tian Chen turned his hands over and broke the broken bow into Source World. Immediately, mutation emerged!

As soon as the broken bow entered Source World, the trunk instantly transformed into a hunted zhang tremendous, and the boundless strength surge surged to expand Source World quickly.

And World Tree, actually broke away from Nine Heavens Breath Soil by itself, fell on that extreme branch, and slowly entangled it with its roots.

At this moment, Source World once again released the boundless strength that poured into Tian Chen’s dantian, just broke through the cultivatíon base and promoted again.

Regardless of the others, Tian Chen sat down and hurriedly ran the Desolate Antiquity Chaos Origin Scripture, absorbing the strength emerging from Source World, and paying close attention to the changes in Source World.

I saw the Source World hundred zhang large space zoomed in quickly, and the Nine Heavens Breath Soil below couldn’t keep up with the expansion speed of Source World. At this moment, it has become a floating land.

The World Tree absorbs the strength of that extreme trunk, one meter high, and it immediately soars, two meters, three meters …

Every time the World Tree is raised by one meter, the Space of Source World expands several hundred zhang. Strangely, with the expansion of Source World, the trunk transformed by the bow body is also becoming larger. It seems to be restricted by Source World. Not fully revealing its full body.

Primal Chaos Phaseless Beast in Source World has long been awakened, soaring happily in the rapidly expanding Source World, and laughter keeps coming.

Tian Chen stared at the ever-growing trunk with a single thought in his head. “Isn’t this a branch of the World Tree? Is the broken bow refining with the World Tree?”

This idea emerged and was instantly affirmed by Tian Chen. Only in this way can my World Tree emit such a joyful mood?

Half an hour later, Source World has reached 10 li, and the trunk transformed by the broken bow has finally stopped expanding, and it has become a broken bow again, floating quietly beside the World Tree.

The World Tree fell back into Nine Heavens Breath Soil, and the strength that Source World poured into Tian Chen dantian stopped, and everything was stable.

I don’t know when, Tian Chen’s cultivatíon base has broken through to the Spiritualist 6th Rank, the Spiritual Power of Liquid State in Dantian, a little more!

Withdrawing the mind, Tian Chen sensed the brooding Ancient Buddha Emperor Seal, refining the Ancient Buddha Emperor Seal, not only can promote cultivatíon base, the most important thing is that Tian Chen has discovered its ability to suppress Demon Creature, as long as it is refining to barely able The degree of control you can use to suppress Hou Zi!

This is what Tian Chen desperately needs.

Under the influence of Tian Chen, the ancient Buddha Emperor Seal emerged, and the strength of Tian Chen within the body emerged.

Tian Chen thoughts move, which controls the rotation of these strengths in the Meridian. Now that it has a Spiritual 6th Rank, it has not yet opened up the Meridian of the Spiritual Boundary, just in time to open up.

Each time a meridian is developed, Spiritual Power is a bit ambitious. This is probably the fastest way to promote the battle power at present. The Spiritual 6th Rank can at least create six or seven meridian.

Tian Chen is caught in cultivatíon. In this tomb group far away from Demon Overlooking Abyss, Hou Zi struggles with complexion, trying to hit the tombstone again and again in order to die.

“Well … don’t plan to stop yet? No need to try, it’s useless, I won’t let you die, you can’t do it if you want to die!” A husky voice came from Hou Zi’s mouth.

“Go! Get out of me!” Hou Zi’s voice sounded.

“Haha, do you think it is possible? When the injury recovers, see how I can clean up that bastard!”

Hou Zi calmed down, with a sarcastic expression on his face, “You are not an opponent of Brother Tian, ​​how can you use my body to play the strength of Spirit Warrior 5th Rank? Is it not against Brother Tian Spiritualist 5th Rank?”

“Well, I already thought of a solution to him, do you want to know? Soon, you will know!” Husky’s voice came out.

Hou Zi expression changes slightly, he knows the power of this Remnant Soul, at this moment, in the heart finally oozes a bad feeling, gritted his teeth, Hou Zi said solemnly: “I will stop you, just need to suppress you Breathe, Brother Tian can solve you! “

Even so, but Hou Zi in the heart is also unremarkable. After all, this Remnant Soul is the existence of Antiquity Era. There are many well-known Demon Race secret techniques, which are not understandable at all.

“Well, you just have to wait and see!” Hou Zi sneered on his face, and was immediately taken the initiative by the Remnant Soul. The explorer pressed on a tall tombstone, and boundless strength poured out from the tombstone. The wound on her chest, horrible to see, healed quickly.

A few days later, Tian Chen is still refining the Ancient Buddha Emperor Seal, and in the black qi outside the platform, the figure of Hou Zi emerges quietly.

“Cultivatíon? Heaven helps me!” Hou Zi sneered, raising his right hand slowly, and boundless black qi moved towards his hand, and instantly turned into lance.

lance swooped out in Hou Zi’s hands, pierced the air and pressed the air arc visible by naked eye, pointing directly at the back of Tian Chen!

Seeing that lance was about to hit the back of Tian Chen, Tian Chen in a cross-chair turned abruptly, holding out the cross-chair position and banging out with one finger. Seven Tribulations Destruction Finger was instantly displayed and banged on lance!


The strong strength swept through, and saw that the Spirit Skill displayed by Tian Chen with Buddha Power was broken in an instant, but Lance only consumed half of the Strength, and the rest was still moved towards Tian Chen, and Tian Chen was shakily retreating .


The shirt was broken, and Tian Chen’s body surface was overflowing with blood, and she felt that the vigorous strength was scurrying up within herself.

Tian Chen’s brows frowned, and he became obviously stronger, but now he is not as good as Hou Zi?

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